My winning prize

I cannot post my Eid/Raya pictures as we left our camera in Tangkak and will only get it back on Monday via bro-in-law. Till then, i’m left with nothing to post except my meeting with Chak from Foldees a day before Eid. We were supposed to meet on Friday but Chak had to postpone it due to workloads. I gave direction to my house to Chak but it was very confusing and we finally met at De Palma hotel near Ampang Point. Chak is a very cheerful guy and it was a great pleasure to meet him. I am so happy to receive my Intuos Wacom tablet, RM2000 and two greeting cards that I’ve designed. Thank you Chak and Foldees!

Anyway, Foldees is having another contest and the theme is ‘A comic book Christmas’ greeting card. Please go to foldees.com (or click on picture below) for more information.

OK, I’m off to check out Illustration Friday’s challenge this week and also how to get rid of acne as it is making a comeback. Haven’t been watching what I ate lately!

[photo courtesy of Chak from Foldees.com. Photographer: Liana.]