throwback thurs

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 13 – 15 months

    At 13 months, Yassin finally able to call me ‘Ibu’, oh I forgot to mention that his first word was ‘Abah’ at 11 months. I was so jealous but my husband managed to teach him to say ‘Ibu’. I was at cloud nine when he uttered the word!

    Yassin in Blue
    He turned into his own person at this stage.


    He developed an interest in gardening, lol!


    Yassin could already walk steadily and his steps are more even,
    as you can see it’s hard taking his pictures with him walking non-stop!



    At this age, he was still prone to a fair amount of tantrums
    -his way of showing a frustration

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: One Year Old Yassin

    By this time, Yassin was already able to respond to simple questions. He could already walk 4 steps at a time without falling.


    [swf movie=""/]

    Yassin bye-bye

    Down the slide!


    Let’s cut the cake!
    Yassin celebrating his 1st birthday!

    and poke the cake!
    Of course,he poked the cake!

    P/s ‘Mimi’ is a name given by Yassin for his pacifier! Dunno where he got this ‘vocab’!

    Don’t forget to also read Janice’s
    Throwback Thursday: Little Zac and Mummy.

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 9 – 11 months

    9 months
    9 months old

    Yassin could already move around upright while holding onto furniture.


    10 months
    10 months old

    He developed an interest to reading materials.

    11 months
    11 months old

    Yassin was so fascinated with tyres and would unassembled them out of his toy cars! He did this not to one but to all cars!

    taking out tyres
    “Hmm…how would I get this one out?”


    figuring out
    “Heh, this is easy!”

    “I’m all tired and sweating…I need food now…”

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 6 – 8 months

    6 months old
    6 months
    Yassin could already express unhappiness if a toy or his pacifier being taken away.


    7 months old
    7 months

    He explored the environment by tasting everything with his mouth.


    8 months old
    8 months
    Yassin became more mobile and began to crawl. He could also sat well without support and stand with the help of things around him. We finally had his head shaved – we did have the first hair-cut ceremony but didn’t have the chance to shave all due to busy schedule.

    Please also visit Janice’s Throwback Thursday: Little Zac’s Affection

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 3 – 5 months

    3 months old
    3 months old

    Yassin started responding to our voice by smiling. He was more alert and interested in everything that went on around him.

    4 months old
    4 months old

    Yassin began to talk – he started to make all sorts of repetitive, high-pitched giggles, shrieks and noises. He squealed and laughed with delight and made “raspberry” sounds with his lips.

    5 months old
    5 months old

    He could accurately reach out with one hand and trap an object in a mitten-like grab. He would inspect the object carefully and yes, you guessed it right, put it in his mouth.

    Special link ~ Throwback Thursday: The Twins by Janice Ng

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: my bundle of joy

    Janice of This is a Miracle have initiated a theme for every Thursday called Throwback Thursday where she posts old photos of her sons in her blog. Her idea is so brilliant, so I have asked her whether if I could join her. She is so kind to let me and here is my first post for the theme.

    Yassin at birth  I-hour old Yassin
    Yassin at birth (in the labor room)
    Photos were taken by my husband using his Sony Ericsson mobile phone

    Yassin - 2wks old

    Yassin - sleeping
    Two weeks old Yassin
    Photos were taken using Fuji FinePix S5000

    Yassin’s Book
    I’ve practically have compiled Yassin’s development from birth to 12 months
    in a book. I’ve printed it out and binded it myself. I have photos of his ultrascan images, hands and foots prints, first doodlings, first shoes, first toy cars and many more.

    Yassin’s favourite book!
    This is Yassin’s very first book – My Kitty by Lamaze

    The experience of having a baby was indescribable. From the beginning Yassin was his own little person and I didn’t know him. What I didn’t realize then, but have come to understand now, as his mother I have unparalleled access to him and have a chance to get to know him better.

    This is an incredible journey and I love being his mom Emila.