
  • digital photos,  yassin


    Yassin showering
    “See dad, I’m not so afraid anymore”
    – photo taken by my husband

    My son has always been afraid of the shower. He normally takes a bath in the tub or by using the hose. Yesterday, my husband and I took him to the swimming pool and for some reason, the shower was not nearly as scary to him. Maybe the fact that other kids do it with laughter and fun, made him want to try. Even though he was trying to stop the shower, we thought that it was a good start.

    We hope he will take the shower at home today!

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 13 – 15 months

    At 13 months, Yassin finally able to call me ‘Ibu’, oh I forgot to mention that his first word was ‘Abah’ at 11 months. I was so jealous but my husband managed to teach him to say ‘Ibu’. I was at cloud nine when he uttered the word!

    Yassin in Blue
    He turned into his own person at this stage.


    He developed an interest in gardening, lol!


    Yassin could already walk steadily and his steps are more even,
    as you can see it’s hard taking his pictures with him walking non-stop!



    At this age, he was still prone to a fair amount of tantrums
    -his way of showing a frustration

  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: One Year Old Yassin

    By this time, Yassin was already able to respond to simple questions. He could already walk 4 steps at a time without falling.


    [swf movie="https://emilayusof.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/yass.swf"/]

    Yassin bye-bye

    Down the slide!


    Let’s cut the cake!
    Yassin celebrating his 1st birthday!

    and poke the cake!
    Of course,he poked the cake!

    P/s ‘Mimi’ is a name given by Yassin for his pacifier! Dunno where he got this ‘vocab’!

    Don’t forget to also read Janice’s
    Throwback Thursday: Little Zac and Mummy.

  • yassin

    Going home

    I have been meaning to post this last weekend but due to the amount of workload and house chores, I simply forgot. Janice’s post about Zac’s class photo reminded me to post this today. Before we went to Genting, we had a small farewell party over at Yassin’s school cum nursery. Yassin will not be attending this school next year as we are moving back to my mom’s place in Ampang by end of November or early December.

    I’m going home
    Yassin made a painting for the school…

    Goodies for friends
    …and gave some goodies for friends

    Goodies for teachers
    We have gifts for the teachers as well

    Jelly Cake
    A goodbye cum advanced birthday jelly cake to share with friends

    Yassin with friends
    Yassin with friends and teachers

    Hugs from Aleeya and Michelle!

    We’re going back home but I haven’t done the packing yet!

  • yassin

    Yassin’s 1st Sports Day

    Yesterday was Yassin’s school sports day. And I have to say, what a day it was! We’re having a great time!

    All the children took part, even the youngest, there was match-the-pictures game, sack race, fill-in-the answers puzzle and lots more. Yassin was in for two games, building a sand hill and where’s my friend. He won the first and got a 2nd place for the latter. The concept was really good, children who did not won 1st, 2nd and 3rd places also won something.

    To top it all off, there was a game for parents (and yes, I’m the winner!) and lunch barbecue in conjuction with Eid.

    Sports Day 01
    Yassin seemed okay at the beginning…

    Sports Day 02
    but burst into tears later!

    Sports Day 03
    We managed to calm him down and got him to join in the games

    Sports Day 04
    Here’s a pic of him having brief conversation with friends

    Sports Day 05
    I think he was telling a joke!

    Sports Day 06
    Yassin in action!

    Sports Day 07
    Yassin with his friend, Michelle

    Sports Day 08

    Sports Day 08b
    Yassin won himself two prizes! Yay!

    The event ended at 12.30pm and we later drove to Pahang to attend brother in law’s wedding. We reached home at about 8pm and fell asleep after having a nice bath!




  • throwback thurs,  yassin

    Throwback Thursday: Yassin at 9 – 11 months

    9 months
    9 months old

    Yassin could already move around upright while holding onto furniture.


    10 months
    10 months old

    He developed an interest to reading materials.

    11 months
    11 months old

    Yassin was so fascinated with tyres and would unassembled them out of his toy cars! He did this not to one but to all cars!

    taking out tyres
    “Hmm…how would I get this one out?”


    figuring out
    “Heh, this is easy!”

    “I’m all tired and sweating…I need food now…”