comm. work

Salina, finally

This has been going on for over a year. And finally, today, I burned the files and both are ready to be printed. We have two versions, A: Limited Edition and B: exclusively from Popular.

Have you read Salina? Salina is a novel written by Datuk A. Samad Said (Pak Samad) and it was first published in 1961. After claiming back his publishing rights, Pak Samad decided to print it under his own company, Wirabukit Sdn Bhd. I was trusted with the design job from cover to typesetting. I proposed many cover designs and these 2 were the favourites.

Salina tells a story of a lady who works as a prostitute to earn a living after the Second World War. Salina was born rich but the war robs her loved ones away from her. You can read full review here: