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Blog makeover for TiniHani

Did a makeover for

TiniHani's makeover

Tini wants a very clean template and a sidebar with one column on top and two columns below, so what I did was tweaked iNove wordpress template for her. Amongst her requests were sewing theme, simple header like mine giving enhancement on the title, fancy font post title and a bit of graphic in the comment box.

Her header above was done in AI based on her love for felt fabric and sewing. I use myriad font, convert it to outlines and did a dashline on the text to make it like a backstitch sewing. I also add felt texture to have that felt feeling and drew a spool of thread to end theย backstitch decoration below her title description. Added a felt frame with her family’s picture in it to portray her priority for her family.

“Simple and sweet” as she quoted as I delivered the final work of the makeover. Thanks Tini.