ABOUT ME,  digital illos

Essentially yours

I have been dilly-dallying a big job for quite sometimes already and few days ago I got a reminder to submit at least the covers first. Drawing traditionally, I will take my own sweeeeeeeeeeet time adding details and perfecting the colors. After the scanning process, I will take some more sweeeeeeeeeet time perfecting the drawing by cleaning and neating it. So overall, for a drawing, I will take more than three days. But it will take more days when the mood is not there. Seeing me working like that, my husband suggested that I work smart, drawing digitally using Corel Painter. At first I was a bit reluctant but thinking that I will save more time, I gave in to the idea. And so, I installed Corel Painter Essential 3 that came free with the Wacom tablet I won from Foldees.com.

So, after spending a day getting acquainted with Essential, I start on the first drawing of the book covers. So far so good, but essentially, this Essential version is quite limited. But that’s okay I guess, long as there’s a brush tool and a color palette; the two most essential tools, I think I can live essentially with the Essential version.