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Down with Pox *

Yesterday I had a mild fever and this morning I woke up to find that there were pimple-like little bumps on my body and face. Oh no! Yassin’s chicken pox has got to me! You see, Yassin was infected with chicken pox two days ago from his cousin, Djohan. Djohan has actually passed the chicken pox not only to Yassin, but also to his siblings (3 of them) and his mother (my sister).

I am using Yassin’s calamine lotion that we got from the doctor the other day and took some Panadol for the mild fever. Have asked my husband to buy us coconut juice on his way home from work. Will probably ask him pick some mambu (neem) leaves from Yassin’s teacher’s house tomorrow. My mother said the leaves are good for chicken pox. I don’t really believe her so I searched more information about Neem. It turns out to be she is so right! Terima kasih emak! Mothers, they seem to know everything!

Neem tree is generally considered to be an air purifier and preventive against malarial fever and cholera. All parts of the tree possess medicinal properties. The leaves are useful in relieving flatulence, promoting the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes, and in increasing secretion and discharge of urine. They also acts act as an insecticide. The bark is a bitter tonic and a stimulant. It arrests secretion and bleeding besides counter acting any spasmodic disorders.

The leaves are very useful in skin diseases. They are especially beneficial in the treatment of acne, pimples, boils, chronic ulcers, eruptions of small pox, swelling and wounds. An ointment prepared from Neem leaves is very effective in healing ulcers, diabetes, bed sore and wounds.

I hope Yassin and me will recover soon! Ok, I’m off to have a bed rest or maybe not; I actually am working on my painted totes!

* Neem source: http://www.allayurveda.com/herb_month_october2005.htm

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