• my books,  watercolor

    Mother’s Garden

    Remember the Mom’s Garden illustrations I made for last year’s Drawing Day? Well, I have improved it, make it saturated as I like it and made few other ammendments here and there. I’ve changed the title from Mom’s Garden to Mother’s Garden. Now, it is better!! Been working on it these past few days and have come up with my own rhyming verses to accompany the illustrations. I done the mock-up and will bring it to the publisher. If the publisher likes it, they will publish it and it’ll go Frankfurt Book Fair in October! Please pray for me!

    If this gets published, this will be the very first children’s book of mine!

    mother's garden

    mg by emila

    Here’s one of my rhyming verses (This one accompanies the girl with bugs on her shirt, upper illo):

    Buzz buzz
    here comes the bugs,
    buzz buzz
    they give me big hugs.

    Buzz buzz
    they crawl and tickle,
    buzz buzz
    they think I am a pickle!

    by Emila Yusof ©

    Yeah, it sounds silly but heck, I am silly! Lol, hope to get it edited by the publisher (if they’re taking it).