art exchange

  • art exchange

    Postcards from ET and Azah

    Received these postcards from ET and Azah last week on Friday. Hahah I love what ET drew for me, travelling on a dragon! And I am very amazed looking at how Azah drew her card; so neat! And look at all the details! I bet she took hours to finish it. Thank you both ET and Azah for taking the time off from hectic schedule to draw for me.

    Yeehaa! Jom pergi Shanghai!

    Azah, I still cannot find you in this postcard! Hehe

  • art exchange,  line drawing


    Here I am somewhere not so deep in the lush forest of Hulu Langat getting my dose of fresh air. Been under radiation for few days already.
    Here’s a postcard done and another in progress.

    Sungai Semungkis.

  • art exchange,  line drawing

    Line drawing

    I am having hard time concentrating on works need to be done because I am too busy campaigning to earn more votes. Campaigning is not an easy task, it consumes a big chunk of my time.

    Haha. Ah well, here’s a postcard I am drawing now for the postcard exchange project.


    I don’t really know what to name this one. I am not good in organising and keeping track of all the titles of my paintings. Sometimes I use a title twice.

    Anyway, I remember some of you asking what kind of drawing this is. This is line drawing or line art. Line art consists of distinct straight and curved lines drawn on a plain background (paper, fabric, wall, etc). It is usually monochromatic but it can also be drawn using color lines.

    Have you voted for me? Yes you. If you haven’t already, you can follow the simple steps on my sidebar.

  • art exchange,  watercolor

    More painted postcards

    Here are 3 postcards I did in-between major works. These are for  Fieyona, Izhar and Syuqiyah respectively. Will mail them by today or latest tomorrow.


    Have you voted me for The Best of The Best Blog of The Year for the Bloggers and Social Media Awards 2012? I need your votes. Please help me gain more votes by following these simple steps:

    1. Sign up,
    2. go to this link: and look for and
    3. press the vote button.

    Voting ends on 28th January 2012. I am counting on you. Thank you so much.


  • art exchange,  line drawing,  watercolor

    Poscard for ET

    One for ET, a blogger friend who shares the passion in watercolor. ET or Nurhayati is a professional watercolor painter. Ok, I’m done posting 7 postcards on my blog today. Now it’s time to go to the post office and post them for real.

    Pen and watercolor.