digital illos

  • digital illos,  MISC

    Selamat Hari Raya/Eid Greetings

    Selamat Hari Raya
    Wishing all Muslim
    a very Happy Hari Raya and Happy Eid-ul-Fitr!

    Hari Raya or Eid-ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. In Malaysia, Eid is commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa. Muslims in Malaysia celebrate Eid like other Muslims throughout the world. It is the biggest holiday in Malaysia and is the most awaited one.

    My family and I will be celebrating Eid in Pahang. I’ll be over at my mother’s house tonight and we will leave for our hometown on Friday morning. I will resume blogging & drawing on Thursday. See you!

  • digital illos,  IF

    Juggle – Illustration Friday

    Juggler Girl by Emila Yusof
    Juggler Girl | Digital

     Just so you know, Emot can juggle too.

    I’ve been busy with works but managed to steal few hours to do this digital drawing. Hopefully in few days time, I will be able to draw more. As usual, I used Adobe Illustrator for preliminary sketching and used Photoshop for effect and texture. 

  • digital illos,  IF

    Momentum – Illustration Friday

    MC Hammer by emila yusof
    MC Hammer | Digital

    Given the word momentum, the first thing that crossed my mind was ‘Gaining Momentum’, a song by MC Hammer. It was a hit back in the early 90’s. I’ve associated the word ‘momentum’ with Hammer not only because the word is the title of his song, it’s also because he dance fast! I couldn’t keep up with his momentum back then!

    The above illustration was done using Adobe Illustrator, 2 hours work.

    While searching for his whereabout, I found his blog: Look Look Look. Go check it out!

    And oh, I did own a pair of those ‘Hammer’ pants! White color!

  • digital illos,  IF

    Moon – Illustration Friday

    O Bulan! by Emila Yusof
    O Bulan! | Digital

    Here’s my submission for IF’s theme this week, “Moon”. A girl and her little friends are enjoying the night away watching the moon and the stars; except for that little chick, which seems to be busy talking to the ladybird.