
  • awareness/charity,  yassin

    A cute letter!

    I received a surprise in the mailbox yesterday!

    A letter from my son! Lol!

    So let’s see what’s inside…

    …two cards, err I mean one and a half card that my son wants me to take notice of!

    Yassin thought that we can try to save Dodos but little did he knows that Dodos had become extinct before 1700; the last Dodo died a little more than a century after the species’ discovery in 1581.

    Anyway, we can try to save the latter. You can ‘adopt’ a rhino HERE.

    Note to Yassin: Thanks baby for the reminder!

  • local events,  yassin

    Yassin’s first movie

    Although a teacher has been complaining about him walking around in class and not wanting to write, Yassin has been a very good boy the first two weeks at school. We rewarded him with a visit to Petrosains. After the visit, Yassin for the very first time, requested to see a movie. We fulfilled his request and took him to see the 3D version of Avatar show at the TGV.

    Yassin and his dad enjoyed the movie so much as they both are big fans of science fiction. I, on the other hand, is the opposite. I don’t really like sci-fi (given exception to Spielberg’s Taken miniseries and ET) and as for Avatar, I don’t like the storyline but I must salute the CGI special effect team (Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital and James Cameron the director himself)  for a job well done. ILM and Weta worked from extremely detailed templates given to them by Cameron.

  • yassin

    Yassin goes to school!

    Yay! My baby finally goes to school. And that is the reason why I hardly have time to update my blog. Only now, while waiting to pick him up in the evening, I can blog and clear some works as well as replying e-mails.

    My son has been waiting for the day and he’s very happy about it despite being scared sitting in his class with kids unfamiliar to him during the orientation day.

    Yesterday, we waited the whole day at school afraid that he would cry but he never did. Today, after sending him to school, my husband and I just left him under the care of the teacher and I only visited him during the recess time. I spared him lunch in his bag but he gave it away to his new friend who did not want to go out for recess. My boy went to the canteen and bought his own lunch. Quite an independent boy.

    yassin sekolah rendah agama

    Morning school session (sekolah agama)

    yassin and abah

    His father helped him get ready for school

    yassin sekolah rendah

    Afternoon school session (sekolah rendah)

    He is going to be very busy 5 days a week from 7.30am till 6.30pm. Yesterday, he fell asleep at 8.30pm after having dinner.

    And while waiting the whole day at school yesterday, I managed to read a book that I bought early last year.

    bonjour laziness


  • family,  yassin

    Yassin is 6 today!

    A little celebration at home attended by Yassin‘s cousins and uncle as well as the neighbourhood kids.





    Our bookshelf pole saw the development of Yassin’s height and weight since 2007. It’s my husband’s creative-doing.

  • family,  yassin

    Camping + BBQ

    Q: What do you do when your son, nephews and niece wanted to go camping and have a barbeque but at the same time you do not want to go far as you think it’s not safe out there?

    A: You go and camp in your own yard!



    Turning your own yard into a fun destination spot by camping out right at home is easy, affordable and fun! But of course make sure it is free of cat’s poop! We had a smelly camping when we place the tent right on top of the poop!