Anthropomorphism,  FLASH FICTION,  July 2020 Prompts

An inchworm made me do it

One day while walking in the meadow looking for plants to eat, I came across a weird looking insect on the daisy stalk. It looked thin but I thought that would do because I was hungry. When I was about to eat it, it said, “Hello!”

I was startled! I got goosebumps; my fur was standing on end throughout my whole body. “Hello, who are you?” I braved myself to ask it. “I am an inchworm,” it replied.

“I am a munchkin cat. What is inchworm? Are you a worm?” I said to it.
“Eww please, I am not a worm. Inchworm is totally different,” it said in an assertive tone.

“How are you different then?” I asked another question. “Well, the worm grows up to be a worm, and I, a geometer moth,” it explained.

“What’s geometer moth?” I asked again with enthusiasm. “Urgh, do I have to tell you everything? Go read a book!” The inchworm was mad.

So I went to the library and look for a book about geometer moth. I read all the basic facts and then went back to see the inchworm at the meadow.

“So, I read that you are also a caterpillar. You will grow up to be a moth. After this, you will become a pupa and then you will bury yourself into the ground,” I said to the inchworm. “Yes, true,” it replied with a sweet smile.

After that we became friends. Every day I would go to meet the inchworm. We would always play hide and seek. Sometimes it took me the whole day to find it while the inchworm took only a few second to find me! So not fair.

One morning, I went to find the inchworm in a panting breath and all wet that I almost looked like a Sphynx or Peterbald. I had been working hard that morning to catch fish in the lake, jumped into the lake, swam and then struggled my butt off to catch the fish. Later ate it until I bloated.

“Why are you panting?” asked the inchworm. So I explained to it what happened, with a burp. “You need to exercise,” it continued.

“Follow after me,” the inchworm said while moving to and fro shifting its body—first one end and then the other—which has the effect of making it arched its long body as it went. No wonder the inchworm looked so thin.

“What are you waiting for? 1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3…,” the inchworm looked at me wanting me to follow its exercise routine.

So, the inchworm made me do it. 1,2, 3… panting …1, 2, 3… panting…

This is for Prompt #12: An inchworm made me do it, July 2020 writing prompts.

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