Versatile Blogger Award

It has been quite sometimes since I last received an award and this Versatile Blogger Award really makes me happy. Thank you Clumsy Fancy!

And the award came with simple tasks:

*  Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
*  Share 7 things about yourself.
*  Pass along to 10 Bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.

Thank you so much Clumsy Fancy for the lovely award.

I would like to pass this award to:

versatile blogger award

1. Denaihati
2. Marzie
3. LadyJava
4. Shemah
5. Nessa
6. Soulie
7. MarVic
8. Lina
9. Khemy
10. Darkstar

7 Things About Me:
1. I like dragonfly.
2. I am a very very simple person.
3. I am lately moody.
4. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.
5. I gained a lot of weight.
6. My right upper second molar needs a new filling.
7. Oh, my bottom left first molar too.