Error message*

My blog was having an error message…

Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/emila/public_html/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 686 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/emila/public_html/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 686

…after upgrading to wordpress version 2.6.2. I tried to seek help from Mesrahosting.net‘s (my hosting provider) online support but they could not seem to help me.

The online support asked me whether did I back up all my file, I said no. Without looking further into the matter, they simply said ‘ nothing i can do if no backup.” You can read my replies above. I was kept waiting for awhile and was left hanging talking to myself before I could find my own solution in wordpress.org’s forum for this error:

I’ve downloaded the wp-config.php files and removed the codings above and uploaded it back to the server. My blog is fine again. All my files are there, nothing is missing. I guess they do have a backup of my blog!

I think the online support should have at least say, “I will look into the matter.” AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!

1st commentator:

Metz from Empty Streets! Click on banner to find out more about Metz!