• BOOKS,  my books

    2023 New Books


    It has been quite some time since my last post, and I’m excited to share with you some updates on my recent endeavours. I am delighted to announce the publication of several books that I have both authored and co-authored.

    One of my works, titled “Kembara Seni di Vienna” (Art Travel in Vienna), is a captivating self-published travelogue. This journey took place in 2019 when I travelled to Vienna as part of my jury duty at the prestigious BIB 2019 Awards held in Bratislava, Slovakia. Vienna was a natural choice for me, being conveniently located just an hour’s drive away from Bratislava. Before immersing myself in the jury duties, I made sure to explore Vienna, where I had the incredible opportunity to witness the mesmerizing masterpieces of Klimt.

    It brings me great joy to share that “Kembara Seni di Vienna” has been published in the Malay Language. The project was made possible through the generous support of MyCreative and Penjana, two esteemed local bodies dedicated to fostering and uplifting local creatives. Their sponsorship made this publication a reality, and I’m deeply grateful for their encouragement and assistance.

    The next travelogue published this year is “Jerman, Kami Datang!” (Germany, Here We Come!)—a captivating travelogue destined to enchant hearts far and wide. Within its pages lies a treasure trove of enchantment – an anthology crafted with love, adorned with essays that breathe life, illustrations that paint vivid dreams, photography that captures fleeting moments, poems that dance with emotion, and short stories that beckon you to unknown realms.

    The travelogue is a journey of discovery, hand in hand with eight intrepid storytellers—each bearing the gift of their unique perspective, unyielding in their quest to traverse the German landscapes and unravel the secrets that lie within the cities of Mainz, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, and Baden-Baden.

    Beneath a sky ablaze with passion, we chose to bear the weight of this enchanting voyage. Determined, we clasped hands and made a pact to share the burden of birthing our creation. Thus, with hearts aflame and dreams alight, we pledged to uphold the costs and herald this literary gem into existence.

    In this daring dance of destiny, Dua Penulis PLT emerged as the beacon of our ambitions. A small, intrepid, independent publisher – a testament to the indomitable spirits of our two friends: Dr Noor Hayati Yasmin and Norsa’adah Ahmad, who donned both hats – writer and publisher. Other co-authors are Zalila Isa, Mimi Salleh, Yan Yahaya, Zanariah Salam, Nilam Tang and yours truly.

    Should you be interested to buy these two books, you can visit my Shopee shop to purchase them.

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    Zaen Kasturi: Semisalan belon, keterpesonaannya adalah kepada udara

    Semisalan buku puisi, keterpesonaan saya adalah kepada kata-kata rahsia disebaliknya, khususnya saya tujukan kepada Zaen Kasturi, setelah saya membaca Kumpulan Puisi 77 Tuju (Siri Ingatan Kepada Kawan).

    Pemberian buku ini oleh sahabat saya beberapa tahun lepas amat saya hargai, justeru, proses kreatif yang Zaen hidangkan di ruang prakata amat membantu saya untuk berkreatif. Ini adalah pertama kali saya membaca puisi-puisi Zaen. Kesemua 77 puisi Zaen dalam 77 Tuju telah saya baca saya anggap seperti bulan dan kejora yang menyinari ruang pemikiran saya dengan begitu indah sekali. Pastinya untuk mendekati bulan dan kejora itu bukan mudah, saya perlu menggunakan ‘kenderaan angkasa’ barangkali untuk mengembara mengelilingi sebelum menafsir.

    Zaen mengambil misalan belon untuk menerangkan proses kreatifnya.

    Kalaulah belon itu imejan yang membangkitkan keterpesonaan mata, yang kemudiannya mengembang menjadi citra melayang-layang mencuba untuk mencari jejak, dan kemudiannya berupaya pula untuk mengambang menjadi segumpal rahsia yang berpencar daripada getar rasa yang terlintas pada fikiran untuk dijadikan puisi, maka saya ingin mengangkat makna udara yang mengembungkannya, juga yang menerbangkannya. Pada tahap ini, keterpesonaan saya terhadap hakikat belon (dengan aneka warna dan corak) dileburkan oleh rahsia udara. Mahu tidak mahu, saya harus melalui proses peleburan itu.

    Ujar beliau, proses penulisan puisinya bermula dari premis tampak mudah, namun ianya harus melalui proses peleburan, penciptaan ungkapan dan penapis kecerewetan. Secara sengaja atau tidak, beliau terjerat dan seringkali juga mencipta jerat sendiri untuk meleburkan citra dan berharap agar akan muncul suatu atau mungkin beberapa makna baharu daripada proses-proses di atas.

    Menulis puisi itu seperti meredah belukar berduri dan mengharungi selut berlumpur likat. – Zaen Kasturi.

    Zaen percaya yang puisi itu bukan sekadar susunan atau persandingan kata-kata tetapi ialah kuasa jiwa dan rasa yang seringnya sukar untuk diterjemahkan dengan kata-kata. Beliau tidak percaya dengan suara-suara di luar sana yang berkata bahawa menulis puisi itu mudah, ada idea, susun kata-kata, jadilah puisi.

    Sesungguhnya Zaen Kasturi banyak belajar tentang ilmu firasat Melayu daripada bapanya, disamping kekaguman beliau terhadap khazanah puisi tradisional Melayu seperti syair, gurindam, pantun, seloka, dan mantera yang diamalkan tukang-tukang Melayu.

    Kumpulan Puisi 77 Tuju (Siri Ingatan Kepada Kawan), seperti namanya, menghidangkan 77 buah puisi yang tajuknya bermula ingatan kepada kawan i sehingga lxxvii. Tajuk yang tampak mudah namun tidak semudah bait-bait puisi di dalamnya yang mengambil masa sedekad untuk dikaryakan.

    Teringat saya akan puisi Dr. Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad yang bertajuk Kau Seperti Malam (Himbauan terhadap Zaen Kasturi), yang menafsirkankan Zaen seperti malam yang menebarkan rawan zulmat dan menyembunyikan butir cahaya di lapis rahsia.

    Puisi-puisinya yang kompleks dan evokatif amat menuntut khalayak pembaca untuk berfikir dan menjadi perenung serta pentafsir kehidupan. Justeru, saya hidangkan satu puisi beliau dari 77 Tuju. Andaikata anda ingin membaca lebih dari itu, bolehlah mendapatkan buku ini di ITBM.

    apa jarak antara kita? apa masih sering diukur tempat dan masa?

    (nah! katamu. kutemukan jarak kita di bawah kerlipan lampu dan kenyitan debu)

    apa lampu di hadapan bayang memburu?

    apa debu di belakang badai menderu?

    – halaman 57.

    Apakah tafsiran anda tentang puisi? Bolehlah sama-sama kita kongsikan di ruangan ulasan di bawah.

    ISBN : 9789670798875
    Penulis : Zaen Kasturi
    Penerbit: ITBM
    Tahun Terbitan : 2015
    Harga : RM 15.00

    Mengenai Zaen Kasturi
    Zaen Kasturi atau nama sebenarnya Zainal Palit dilahirkan pada 16 Oktober 1964 di Kuala Sungai Baru, Melaka. Menerima pendidikan rendah dan menengah di negeri kelahirannya, manakala pendidikan tinggi diperolehnya daripada Universiti Malaya dan University of London.

    Selain puisi, Zaen turut menulis dalam genre cerpen, novel, esei sastera, rencana umum dan skrip drama televisyen. Pernah memenangi beberapa hadiah penulisan peringkat kebangsaan, antaranya Hadiah Sastera Malaysia, Hadiah Sastera Utusan Melayu-Public Bank, Hadiah Puisi DBP-KL, Hadiah Puisi Kebangsaan Esso-Gapena dan Hadiah Sastera Perdana.

    Antara karya Zaen dalam bentuk buku termasuklah Yuda (kumpulan cerpen), Katarsis (kumpulan puisi), Rapsodi (kumpulan cerpen), Idola (kumpulan cerpen) dan Angin Belantara (novel), Iga (Kumpulan puisi).

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    Sekumpulan Epitaf dan Surat-Surat Yang Lewat oleh Karl Agan Masih Belum Terlewat untuk Dibaca.

    Semasa saya membelek-belek buku-buku di gerai Sang Freud Press, saya bertanya pada penjual buku, buku puisi manakah yang paling bagus? Mereka menyarankan beberapa buah buku puisi, termasuklah buku Sekumpulan Epitaf & Surat-Surat Yang Lewat oleh Karl Agan.

    Tertarik dengan blurpnya, saya pun membeli karya Karl Agan.

    Kata orang, satu-satunya ubat untuk patah hati adalah dengan menulis puisi. Rupanya itu hanya mitos. Puisi hanyalah sebuah taman yang sunyi. – Karl Agan.

    Membaca puisi menambahkan perisa kopi hitam pekat.

    Kulit bukunya menarik; potret Karl Agan dalam foto hitam putih tunduk memegang topi, merenung hatinya yang patah, barangkali. Perekabentuk dan penerbitnya ialah Sang Freud Press, manakala Fotografi oleh Irman Noor.

    Buku puisi yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2015, menghimpunkan 107 buah puisi Karl Agan (atau Karl Lucas merujuk kepada halaman prelim) yang diciptanya dari tahun 2013-2014. Antara puisi-puisinya bertemakan diri, cinta, persahabatan, keluarga, kehidupan dan masa hadapan.

    Contoh puisi tentang diri:

    O Tuhan
    aku masih sering bangun pagi
    meneliti cermin
    dan melihat orang-orang yang kuingin jadi.
    – Karl Agan (Topeng, halaman 23)

    Dalam puisi ini Karl mengajak kita merenung tentang diri; adakah kita masih memakai topeng dan keluar memainkan peranan di pentas kehidupan. Saya kira ini relevan buat diri saya. Mungkin selama ini saya mahu jadi apa yang orang mahu saya jadi, menggembirakan orang lain kecuali diri saya, tanpa memikirkan kesannya pada diri saya. Kini, saya sudah buang ‘topeng’ itu. Saya tidak lagi melihat cermin. Hanya melihat jika ada jerawat di muka yang perlu dirawat.

    Satu puisi yang menyentuh hati saya ialah yang bertajuk Ibu:

    Manik-manik airmatamu
    kusimpan di dalam kocek bajuku.
    Setiap kali aku ingin menyerah dan kalah
    kutaruh sebutir di mataku;
    doa-doa selalu kaukumpul dalam airmatamu
    aku mengumpulnya dalam poket bajuku.
    – Karl Agan (Ibu, halaman 22)

    Ya, ada banyak lagi puisi Karl yang mencuit dan menyentuh hati. Kenalah anda dapatkan Sekumpulan Epitaf dan Surat-Surat Yang Lewat dan baca sendiri. Harganya saya tak ingat kerana memang setiap kali membeli, saya tak fikir tentang harga. Bayar sahaja. Jangan juga tanya saya harga gula. Main bayar sahaja juga.

    Saya akhiri reviu ini dengan sajak dua baris Karl yang pasti mencuit hati yang berbunyi:

    Malam ini sajak bercuti
    penyairnya mati tertusuk kata-kata sendiri.”
    – Karl Agan (Epitaf II, halaman 104)


    Colouring Books For Adults Published in Malaysia since 2015

    Here’s a database of Malaysia’s own colouring books for adults published in Malaysia by Malaysian publishers and illustrated by Malaysians, and few illustrators from Indonesia and Singapore who call Malaysia their 2nd home. The list is according to date published.

    Please share it with your friends and let them know that we have a number of 25 books (2 are out of prints, the other two currently on pre-order) that they can choose from.

    Happy buying and colouring!

    1. Mother Earth Colourart
    Illustrator: Emila Yusofmotherearth (2)
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Date of publication: Mar 23, 2015
    Status: In print
    Price: RM20.00
    ISBN: 9789671326244
    Theme: Beauty/Nature
    Description of book: Illustrator, Emila Yusof has produced a set of 12 gorgeous line drawings on the theme, Mother Earth. This is colour therapy at its best. Colour your way to an appreciation of beauty and nature. You may also frame your masterpiece to decorate your room or give it as a gift. Printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, pencil colours or markers. The reverse of each piece of art is blank so you do not have to worry about damaging the next artwork.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    2. Nature Sings ColourartNS layout.pmd
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher: Oyez!Books
    Status: in print
    Date of publication: Apr 4, 2015
    Price: RM20.00
    ISBN: 9789671326251
    Theme: Nature
    Description: Unleash your creativity with the second book of the Colourart series, colouring for adults, by Emila Yusof. This time nature sings and you can be part of it by colouring for your pleasure and relaxation. As with the first book, the drawings are printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, marker and pencils. Frame your masterpiece after it’s done and give a gift of nature with a personal touch. Printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, pencil colours or markers. The reverse of each piece of art is blank so you do not have to worry about damaging the next artwork.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    3. Dreamworld Colourartdreamworld
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Status: in print
    Published date: May 4, 2015
    Price: RM20.00
    ISBN: 9789671326282
    Theme: Surreal/Fantasy
    Description: The third book in the Colourart by Emila Yusof series brings you a magical Dream World. Anything can happen in a dream world so start your journey now and color away. There are no limits or boundaries! Printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, pencil colours or markers. The reverse of each piece of art is blank so you do not have to worry about damaging the next artwork.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    4.Bunga dan Monstermonsterdanbunga
    Illustrator: Rizal Paperbag Head
    Writer: Fariza Rasli
    Publisher: Self-published
    Date published: May 2015
    Status: Out of print
    Theme: Flower/Monster/Malaysia
    Description: Doodles of 10 flowers that can be found in Malaysia, decorated with some cute monster.

    5.Tree House ColourartTH layout.pmd
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: June 21, 2015
    Price: RM20.00
    ISBN: 9789671326268
    Theme: Surreal/Fantasy
    Description: The fourth book in the Colourart series by Emila Yusof continues to delight with their fine and imaginative line drawings. Fun and fantastical, we want to believe there are surely treehouses and maybe we can live in one too. But for now, colour your favourite treehouse or treehouses and let’s dream awhile. Printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, pencil colours or markers. The reverse of each piece of art is blank so you do not have to worry about damaging the next artwork.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    6. Under The Seaunderthesea
    llustrator: Nor Azhar Ishak
    Publisher: Oyez!Books
    Published date: 2 July 2015
    Status: in print
    Price: RM28.00
    ISBN: 9789671326299
    Theme: Life Science, Nature, Environment
    Description: There’s a colourful world under the sea where coral reefs are and even deep down where it is dark and quiet. It’s the home of the giant whale shark and little sea creatures. Author and illustrator Nor Azhar Ishak has created an excellent book that contains facts on many of the creatures that live under the sea coupled with his colourful illustrations using the batik method of painting on fabric. There is one unique feature that fascinates colourists; each colour illustration is accompanied by a black and white replica that they can colour. The paper is  glossy so make sure you use markers to colour.
    Buy from: Oyez!Books, Silverfish Books, Kinokuniya Suria KLCC
    Facebook Page:
    Twitter : @norazharishak
    IG: norazharishak
    Blog: The Picture Book Gallery :

    7. The Penang Colouring Bookpenang
    Illustrator: Esther Geh, Siguan Art, Eryn, Sanuri Zulkefli, Lusy Decoursey, Bulan Lifestyle, Hao Yuan Cheng, Zeon Teoh, Rizal Paperbag Head
    Published date: 31 July 2015
    Publisher: Self-published
    Status: in print
    Price: RM25
    ISBN: –
    Buy from: The Penang Colouring Book
    Description: The first-ever Penang Colouring book. Featuring sketches from local artists such as Tiffany Choong (BulanLifestyle) and Lusy Decoursey, the colouring book provides creative visual insights into vibrant moments of everyday life on the beautiful island of Penang.
    FB: We Are Artists
    Website: We Are Artists

    8. ABC Politikus MalaysiaABCPolitikus
    Illustrator: Fahmi Reza
    Published date: 31 August 2015
    Publisher: Self-published
    ISBN: N/A
    Status: Out of print
    Theme: Politic

    9. Malaysiamalaysia
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: September 7, 2015
    Price: RM20.00
    SKU Number :00002
    Theme: Malaysia
    Description: The fifth book in the Colourart series by Emila Yusof is inspired by all things Malaysian. From the national flower, the hibiscus, to the majestic Malayan tiger, to batik, to hornbill, to the iconic landmarks of Kuala Lumpur, it is a treasure trove of wonderful illustrations for all colouring enthusiasts. Printed on quality art paper suitable for water colour, pencil colours or markers. The reverse of each piece of art is blank so you do not have to worry about damaging the next artwork.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    10. Sarawak Tattoo Mandalassarawakmandalas
    Illustrator: Olivia Julius Dunggat
    Published date: November 2015
    Status: in print
    Price: RM25
    ISBN: ISBN 978-967-13726-0-9
    Theme: Tribal Mandala
    Description: This book contains 15 beautifully illustrated mandalas inspired by Sarawak tribal tattoo motifs. Each mandala is printed on a single-sided page for you to colour and enjoy.
    Buy from:, Etsy shop: coloringiship, Facebook page: coloringiship, Stickerrific, Jaya One PJ, Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle
    website/blog/FB page:, Fb: coloringiship, Instagram: coloringiship, Etsy: coloringiship

    11. ColorMy (Malaysiana)colormymalaysiana
    Illustrator: Sanuri Zulkefli, Rizal Paperbag Head, Charis Loke, M. Auffique Nur Thaquiff
    Publisher: Here Local Events Enterprise
    Published date: November 2015
    Status: in print
    Price: RM35.00 Lazada/RM39.00 Silverfish
    SKU Number: OE702MEAA47BGKANMY-8359673
    Theme: Malaysia
    Description: Diverse Coloring Pages Inspired By Malaysia Architecture influenced by Empires and cultures many many miles away but still distinctly Malaysian. Food created from ingredients and techniques brought to these shores centuries ago, modified and enhanced over time. To be uniquely Malaysian. Crafts, flora, toys, beautiful things that are definitively Malaysian. Within this book you will find pages of artistic representations of these things. These things encompass Malaysiana. Aspects of our culture that perhaps we tend to take for granted. Color them as you like, as you imagine, because even with all the outside influences over the years, MALAYSIANA has always been about collective alterations.
    Buy from:,  Silverfish Bangsar Village 2, Loka Malaysia, Nu Sentral, Hock Choon Supermarket, Ampang,
    FB: ColorMyBooks

    12. ColorMy (Batik)batik
    Illustrator: M. Auffique Nur Thaquiff, Sanuri Zulkefli
    Publisher: Here Local Events Enterprise
    Published date: November 2015
    Status: in print
    Price: RM35.00 Lazada/RM39.00 Silverfish
    SKU Number: OE702MEAA47BHGANMY-8359715
    Theme: Batik
    Description: BATIK is South East Asia’s cultural ICON. And like many art forms, what makes Batik beautiful is how the artist imagines it. So go ahead, turn these pages and be the artist. In doing so, you will be exploring the uniqueness of this traditional craft and celebrating its place as a cultural symbol.
    Buy from:,  Silverfish Bangsar Village 2, Loka Malaysia, Nu Sentral, Hock Choon Supermarket, Ampang,
    FB: ColorMyBooks

    13. ColorMy (Arabesque)arabesque
    Illustrator: Cufica
    Publisher: Here Local Events Enterprise
    Published date: November 2015
    Status: in print
    Price: RM35.00 Lazada/RM39.00 Silverfish
    SKU Number: OE702MEAA47BH7ANMY-8359707
    Theme: Islamic Geometry
    Description: Islamic Geometry Inspired Coloring PagesIslamic art typically does not feature living beings, in keeping with historical traditions.Buy from:,  Silverfish Bangsar Village 2, Loka Malaysia, Nu Sentral, Hock Choon Supermarket, Ampang,
    FB: ColorMyBooks

    14/15. Malaysia Scenery Seriesmalaysiascenery
    – Part 1 – Townscape
    – Part 2 – Villagescape
    Illustrator: Zahuri Harun
    Publisher: PeRUPA & Garage Creative
    Published date: December 2015 (Launched by Dato’ Lat on 4th December 2015)
    Status: in print
    price RM38 each
    Part 1 – Townscape 9789671377505
    Part 2 – Villagescape 9789671377512
    Theme: Urban & Sub-urban sceneries in Malaysia
    Description: Beautiful sceneries of urban and sub-urban areas in Malaysia such as Mamak restaurant in Beranang, Kampung Baru, Pasar Rabu dan Chow Kit.
    Buy from: MPH, Silverfish, via Persatuan Seni Rupa Publisher: PeRUPA & Garage Creative
    Authorised resellers: A. Zaki Hadri Malaysia or from Zaza Zulkifle (authorised dealer, PeRUPA member)
    website/blog/FB page

    16. World of Mysteriesworldofmysteries
    llustrator: Sanuri Zulkefli
    Published date: December 2015
    Publisher: Self-published
    Status: Out of print
    Price: RM25
    ISBN: N/A
    Format: A4 Size, 16 coloring pages, 140gsm paper
    Theme: Mystery
    Description: World Of Mysteries: Anti – Stress Coloring Book for Adult: An anti-stress coloring books suitable for adults as well as children. Filled with 16 pages of each doodle work contains its own story. Each artworks will bring you deep into the world of mysteries.
    FB: Sanuri Zulkefli

    17. Legendary Princesses of Malaysialegendary
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: February 2016
    Price: RM20.00
    SKU NUmber :00011
    Theme: Malaysian Princesses
    Description: A brief story accompanies each lovely line drawing of a Malaysian princess so you can get to read and colour as well. This book is actually for children but seems to be a favourite amongst grown ups colourists.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2, Kinokuniya KLCC, Baca Reading Room, Temerloh.
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof
    Appointed reseller/agent: Zaza Zulkifle, Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf, Shen Yi

    18. Happy Dayshappydays
    Illustrator: Susanna Goho-Quek
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: February 2016
    Status: in print
    Price: RM24.00
    SKU NUmber :00010
    Theme: Children
    Description: Susanna Goho-Quek’s Happy Days colouring book is a collection of 24 line drawings of children playing, reading, having parties, dancing, and more. It’s not easy to draw children and Susanna’s detailed drawings show her love for children and their many antics. You will be smiling as you colour these pages and why not frame your masterpieces to cheer up a room.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2
    FB: Susanna Goho

    19. Underwater Worldunderwaterworld
    Illustrator: Susanna Goho-Quek
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: February 2016
    Status: in print
    Price: RM24.00
    SKU NUmber :00013
    Theme: Underwater World
    Description: Artist Susanna Goho-Quek was afraid of the sea until she was introduced to underwater diving and saw for herself the wonders of the underwater world. She has painted them and now she has done a colouring book. You only need to add your imagination and colours to the drawings to produce your own beautiful Underwater World.
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2
    FB: Susanna Goho

    20. Teddy Bear Talesteddybear
    Illustrator: Susanna Goho-Quek
    Publisher :Oyez!Books
    Published date: February 2016
    Status: in print
    Price: RM24.00
    SKU NUmber :00012
    Theme: Teddy Bear
    Description: The Teddy Bears are out to play in this colouring book by artist Susanna Goho-Quek. A bear lover and collector, Susanna’s bears romp about each page playing in the garden, baking in the kitchen, tidying up bookshelves, singing in the choir and more. Create your own Teddy Bear Tales in colour!
    Buy from:, Silverfish, Bangsar Village 2
    FB: Susanna Goho

    21. Robolismrobolism
    Illustrator: Aku Napie
    Published date: March 2016
    Publisher: DuBook Press
    Status: in print (Limited Edition – 2000 copies. Now selling at PBAKL 2016, MAEPS Serdang until 9th May 2016)
    Price: RM15
    ISBN: N/A
    Theme: Robot
    Description: Robot doodles; selected artwork from 2013-2015.
    Buy from: DuBook Press, Robolism
    FB: Aku Napie

    22. The Rabbi(t)lution – A Rabbit’s Evolutionrabbitlution
    Illustrator : Evi Shelvia
    Published date: 24th March 2016
    Status: in print
    Price: RM 30
    SKU Number: 00016
    Theme: Monster
    Description: Black and white line illustrations based on the colour edition of the book, Rabbi(t)lution – A Rabbit’s Evolution, to unleash your creativity! – See more at:…
    Buy from: –evishelvia.comOyezbookstore.com…
    website/blog/FB page:, Evi Shelvia FB

    23. Teatime Cuppiesteatimecuppies
    Illustrator: Zaza Zulkifle
    Publisher: Self-Published (Z Artz Putrajaya)
    Published date: 15 April 2016
    Status: in print
    Launching: 8 May 2016 (tentative) by PeRUPA Malaysia
    Price: RM30
    ISBN: N/A
    Theme: Cupcakes and Fantasy
    Description: Who doesn’t love Cupcakes? What’s even better is these Cupcakes are waiting for you to color them so they can take you in a fun-filled journey and melt your stress away. The pages has been Illustrated by a Malaysian Illustrator Zaza Zulkifle; an avid Colourist and Baker herself. Get ready to be transported into an enchantment of her whimsical dayreams translated into drawings. This book this suitable for both young and mature colorist. There are 16 illustrations printed in single sided thick stock cards for you to have fun with. Grab any media you like – Pencil Colors, Pastels even Watercolors and color on!
    Buy from:
    via my own page:
    via Persatuan Seni Rupa Malaysia – or Syuq Tone
    via authorised reseller Haliza Mushirah Mohd Yusuf
    via Etsy for digital copy (setting up)
    Confirmed Consignees:
    – The Glass House Damansara Perdana – Beginning Mid May 2016
    – Chocoluv Cafe Mutiara Damansara – Beginning Mid May
    website/blog/FB page: as per above.
    Instagram: zaza.zartz

    24. Zenimalszenimals
    Illustrator: Chuppy Lim
    Published date: 18 April 2016
    Status: in print
    Price: US 9.80
    ISBN: 978-0997480702
    Theme: Animals
    Description: An amazing adult coloring book with 30 beautifully hand drawn zentangle animals by ChuppyLim.
    Buy from:
    e-mail :
    website/blog/FB page : Chuppy Lim’s Digital Art

    25. Secret Colours of Malaysiasecret
    Illustrator: Ixora Kay Cross, Koh Qi Ning, Safra Zahirah and Safra Zuhairah Rosli
    Published date: 24 April 2016
    Publisher: Borders Malaysia/ EDM
    Status: in print
    Price: RM39.90
    ISBN: N/A
    Theme: Malaysia
    Description: Each page in the book represents a different and unique pattern of Malaysian landmarks, cultures and lifestyles.
    Buy from: Borders Bookstore Malaysia
    e-mail :

    26. Colours of Malaysia coloursofmalaysia
    Illustrator: Emila Yusof
    Publisher: MPH Malaysia
    Published date: April, 2016
    Price: RM35.90
    ISBN: 978-967-415-360-1
    Theme: Malaysia (Culture & Tradition)
    Description: Colours of Malaysia is the first D-I-Y drawing and colouring activity book that features all things Malaysia for Malaysians. Personalise this book by designing your own Henna art, finding out what Wau Bulan is, drawing your favourite Malaysian folk tale character, designing your own Nyonya beaded slippers using motifs and colours and so much more!
    Buy from: MPH Online
    Blog/IG:, @emilayusof

    27. Exotic Kingdom – An Inspiring Coloring Bookexotickingdom
    Illustrator: Marty Woods
    Publisher : Harper Collins/Harlequin
    Date of Publication : Scheduled to be released on 14 June 2016
    Status: currently on pre-order worldwide.
    Price : RM68/USD14.99
    ISBN : 978-0373100002
    Theme : Nature. Flora and fauna with stories related to myths, legends and taboos of Malaysia.
    Description : 96 pages. 8.5 x 0.4 x 10.9 inches. Single sided. Printed on card stock. Embark on an artistic safari to a little-known world teeming with intricate and whimsical flora and fauna.
    Buy/pre-order from : All Amazon sites, Kinokuniya, MPH Malaysia, Barnes & Nobles, Target, Adlibris, Book Depository, Walmart, Book-A-Million, Black Bond Books, Chapters and Indigo, Booktopia, Exlibris, Fish Pond, IndieBound Bookstores, Little City Books, Mighty Ape, Michaels, Bookshop Santa Cruz.
    Email :
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    Facebook :
    Website :

    28. Color The Rainforest – An Exotic Coloring Bookcolortherainforest
    Publisher : Harper Collins/Harlequin
    Date of Publication : Scheduled to be released on 11 Oct 2016
    Status: currently on pre-order worldwide.
    Price : RM68/USD14.99
    ISBN : 978-0373135462
    Book theme : Nature. Flora and fauna.
    Description : 96 pages. 8.5 x 0.4 x 10.9 inches. Single sided. Printed on card stock. Find serenity in a harmonious world of pristine beauty that needs your creativity with colors.
    Buy/preorder from: All Amazon sites, Kinokuniya, MPH Malaysia, Barnes & Nobles, Target, Adlibris, Book Depository, Walmart, Book-A-Million, Black Bond Books, Chapters and Indigo, Booktopia, Exlibris, Fish Pond, IndieBound Bookstores, Little City Books, Mighty Ape, Michaels, Bookshop Santa Cruz.
    Email :
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    Website :


  • BOOKS,  food,  local events

    A Perennial Feast by YTL Hotels

    YTL Hotels, in remaining true to its philosophy of crafting inspired experiences, unveiled it’s much anticipated coffee table book, A Perennial Feast, at Starhill Culinary Studio, Starhill Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.

    A Perennial FeastA Perennial Feast. The beautiful cover features the Cameron Highland tea plantation as a backdrop.

    The book was launched yesterday by Dato’ Yeoh Soo Min, Executive Director of YTL Corporation with the presence of the writer, Kim Inglis, A British writer and one of the best book editors the UK ever had, now based in Singapore.

    launchDato’ Yeoh Soo Min and Kim Inglis.

    Written by Kim Inglis and published by Talisman Publishing, A Perennial Feast delves into a variety of cuisines and cultures from Malaysia and Southeast Asia into China, Japan and Europe while featuring some of the world’s finest resorts and luxurious destinations from YTL Hotels.

    Beginning in Malaysia, the heart and home of of YTL group, this book showcases both island resorts and city heritage hotels and restaurants, all the while giving an overview of Malay cuisine. Recipes of traditional Malay fare are combined with some East meets West fusion food and some innovative seafood dishes. The book then branches further afield into the snowy landscapes of Hokkaido and the cityscape of modern Shanghai, exploring both recipes and cuisines from Japan and China. Sections on England, Bali, Thailand and France follow – all showcasing iconic properties in stunning full-colour photography by Danish photographer, Jacob Termansen.

    Foodies will savour the finest in gastronomy with sustainable ingredients and preparations from simple to complex, natural to exuberant. At-home chefs will find the carefully researched signature dishes easy to recreate in their kitchens. All in all, this book is a veritable feast for the eyes and palette – and will delight those interested in culinary adventure. Each cuisine is described in detail and the highlights of the various restaurants are outlined. There are starters, soups, a selection of main courses, and desserts – from all corners of the globe – and a variety of drinks that harness ingredients, tastes, and textures from many different sources.

    Now that I own A Perennial Feast, I will find time to ‘travel’ and cook in the comfort of my own home. I don’t often cook but it’ll be a challenge to try a recent favourite, a Steamed Fillet of Saltwater Barramundi served with bird’s eye chilli, roasted baby eggplant and pumpkin sauce, that I got to taste after the launching of the book.

    Steamed FilletSimply delicious! Takes me right away to Fisherman’s Cove, overlooking the seafront of Pangkor Laut Resort. OK, I have never been to this resort but at least this cuisine takes me there.

    Here are more photos from my international culinary journey through a four-course artful dinner at the private Third Floor Gallery located at JW Marriot Kuala Lumpur. Led by Chef Wai, chefs from various restaurants of YTL Hotels came together to prepare the dinner.

    YTL Hotels' chefsYTL Hotels’ chefs.

    My-dedicated-tableMy dedicated table.

     Stir-fried-prawnAmuse Bouche of Snow White Dancing Prawns from Shook! Kuala Lumpur.

    Chef-TommyChef Tommy from Japan preparing our next cuisine.

    Soft-Shell-MakiSoft Shell Maki and Kaki Agebonoyaki from Gonbei San, Japan.

    Pressed-Chicken-SauteMain Courses served on a plate: Pressed Chicken Saute and Steamed Fillet of Saltwater Barramundi from Fisherman’s Cove, PangkorLaut.

    dessertGariguette Strawberries from Muse Saint Tropez to conclude the night.

    These delicious cuisines and many more in A Perennial Feast, which is available at Kinokuniya, Borders, MPH Bookstores, Times the Bookshop and WH Smith at the price of RM125 per copy. Go get yours today and create YTL Hotels’ dinner or lunch in your own home. Alternatively, you can travel to one of YTL’s exotic hotels or restaurants as you’ll get a real gastronomic experience with the original settings.