Picbook Review


    Pokok Pain karya dari Sweden mengajak kita berfikir secara mendalam tentang kelestarian alam

    Pokok Pain atau Furan dalam bahasa Swedish, karya Lisen Adbåge, telah diterjemah dan diterbit ke Bahasa Malaysia hasil kerjasama Oyez!Books dan Kedutaan Sweden di Malaysia. Tujuan utama kerjasama ini ialah untuk memperkenalkan karya buku bergambar kanak-kanak dari Sweden untuk pembaca di Malaysia.

    Pokok Pain (Furan dalam bahasa Swedish) menceritakan kisah sebuah keluarga yang membeli tanah yang mempunyai sebuah pondok usang. Mereka meruntuhkan pondok usang tersebut dan juga menebang beberapa batang pokok pain di sekitar kawasan hutan untuk dijadikan bahan membuat rumah baharu. Ketika kerja-kerja penebangan dijalankan, beberapa perkara ganjil berlaku—bunyi jeritan dari pokok kedengaran, diiringi dengan getah pain seakan darah mengalir keluar dari pokok.

    Semua pokok ditebangkan kecuali sebatang pokok pain. Namun apabila pokok ini menghalang pandangan dari tingkap mereka, pokok tersebut akhirnya ditebang juga. Berikutan itu, banyak perkara aneh berlaku—walaupun sudah tiada pokok pain, setiap pagi mereka mendapati longgokan kon pain di luar rumah mereka. Jarum-jarum pain juga entah bagaimana muncul dalam rumah. Sedikit demi sedikit, fizikal badan mereka menjadi seperti pokok dan akhirnya si ibu membuat keputusan wajar, iaitu menanam diri mereka ke dalam tanah supaya mereka terus hidup.

    Pengakhiran yang menakutkan, bukan? Kisah-kisah sebegini sebenarnya banyak terdapat dalam kisah dongeng dahulukala di mana perbuatan yang tidak baik akan menerima akibatnya. Kisah dongeng dahulukala sentiasa memberi pengajaran yang maksudnya perlu difikirkan secara mendalam. Ini cara orang dahulu mengajar pembaca supaya berbuat baik antara satu sama lain—bukan sahaja sesama manusia, tetapi antara manusia dan alam, antara manusia dan setiap benda atau makhluk yang hidup di atas bumi. Mungkin caranya agak menakutkan tetapi ia meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam terhadap pemikiran kita dan mungkin tindakan kita di masa hadapan.

    Dalam kisah Pokok Pain ini, Lisen ingin menyampaikan tentang balasan alam kepada manusia yang menebang pokok untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Bagi masyarakat Sweden, pokok itu sumber rezeki, di mana mereka menjual pokok untuk diproses menjadi kertas dan seterusnya produk dari kertas seperti buku. Untuk itu, mereka sentiasa harus memastikan pokok terus wujud untuk kelestarian kehidupan dalam hutan, juga untuk manusia. Setiap pokok yang ditebang, harus ditanam dengan anak pokok baharu supaya kitaran alam tidak terganggu.

    Tentang penulis/ilustrator: Lisen Adbåge. Lisen dilahirkan pada tahun 1982 di Sya in Östergötland. Beliau berkelulusan seni dari Sekolah Seni Hofors. Karya-karya Lisen terkenal di Sweden dan antara karya beliau yang popular ialah Kurt och Kio, Stor-Emma dan Koko och Bosse. Antara anugerah yang diterimanya ialah Anugerah Elsa Beskow Plaque (2018) dan Anugerah Expressens Heffaklump (2021).

    Pokok Pain karya Lisen Adbåge ini boleh di baca di Perpustakaan Raja Tun Uda, Shah Alam atau mungkin juga di perpustakaan PPAS yang lain.

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    Lay Koon’s Artistic Tale of the Celestial Dragon in “Xin & The Blue Dragon of Spring”

    I recently had the pleasure of immersing myself in the magical world crafted by the talented Lim Lay Koon in her picture book, “Xin & The Blue Dragon of Spring.”

    “Xin & The Blue Dragon of Spring” is an enchanting picture book that takes readers on a captivating journey through a magical world filled with wonder and bravery. The story revolves around a blue dragon that slumbers, causing the land to grow colder as the winter stars await its awakening. Only one daring girl, Xin, armed with a sacred box, takes on the quest to rouse the dragon from its deep sleep.

    As Xin embarks on her courageous expedition, she traverses diverse landscapes—crossing a river, navigating a canyon, and ascending a mountain. The vivid descriptions and beautifully illustrated scenes immerse readers in Xin’s adventurous odyssey. The anticipation builds as Xin reaches a mysterious deep cave where the mighty Blue Dragon of Spring lies dormant.

    Lim Lay Koon skillfully crafts Xin as a determined and fearless protagonist. The character’s journey not only highlights her courage but also emphasizes the power of empathy and the willingness to take risks for the greater good.

    One aspect that particularly caught my attention was the clever typesetting. As things from the sacred box grow bigger in the story, so does the text. This ingenious detail not only reflects the narrative arc but also engages readers in a subtle and immersive way.

    What struck me immediately was Lim Lay Koon’s artistic evolution over the years. Having known her work for quite some time, witnessing the intricate details and vibrant hues in the illustrations of the blue dragon left me amazed. Her use of gouache adds a unique quality to the visuals, creating a feast for the eyes.

    The spread compositions in the book are nothing short of marvellous. Each page tells a story, drawing readers deeper into the unfolding adventure. Lim Lay Koon’s skilful play with space and colour adds more richness to the narrative. Lim Lay Koon’s storytelling prowess and artistic finesse create a world that lingers in the imagination long after the last page is turned.

    It’s worth noting that Lay Koon’s remarkable talent was rightfully recognized when she clinched the grand prize at the YGIA Awards last year. This prestigious acknowledgement only adds to the allure of her work, solidifying her as a prominent force in the world of storytelling through art.

    In a way, it’s as if Lay Koon herself is the dragon awakening from slumber, breathing life into the pages of “Xin & The Blue Dragon of Spring.”

    Xin and the Blue Dragon of Spring
    Author/Illustrator: Lim Lay Koon
    Publisher: Oyez!Books
    ISBN 978-967-2384-52-6
    Format: Hardcover
    Size: 297 x 210mm
    Pages: 32

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    Tuty The Turtle: A Batik-Painted Odyssey Under the Sea

    ‘Tuty the Turtle’ Written and illustrated by Nor Azhar Ishak tells a story that goes beyond the pages of a picture book; readers are immersed not only in the heartwarming tale of a tiny turtle’s quest for survival but also in the visually stunning world crafted using batik painting technique.

    Tuty, the tiny turtle, embarks on a captivating journey as she emerges from her shell, finding herself alone with no sign of her mother. Escaping from big birds, Tuty seeks refuge in the vast ocean, laying the foundation for a riveting narrative of resilience and resourcefulness. In the expansive sea, Tuty’s quest is not only a tale of survival but also a heartfelt search for her missing mother.

    Beyond the captivating story, ‘Tuty The Turtle’ subtly educates children about the marine environment. Azhar seamlessly weaves in the impact of pollution on sea life, with Tuty encountering a near miss with a plastic bag. This environmental theme provides an excellent opportunity for parents and educators to discuss conservation with young readers.

    Now, let’s delve into the realm of illustrations. Just as the ocean serves as a canvas for a multitude of intricate life forms and dynamic currents, Azhar, a trained Chemist, employs a blend of melted beeswax and paraffin to outline his illustrations. Subsequently, he applies batik dyes, skillfully crafting a vibrant palette that encapsulates the essence of the sea.

    According to Azhar, he dedicated substantial time to practice before embarking on this picture book project. He revels in experimentation, persisting until he achieves the desired effects for each illustration. The process demands considerable patience, as the intricate works may take a while to complete. Adjusting the colours to attain the envisioned composition and harmony adds another layer to the meticulous journey of bringing each piece to its final form.

    The illustrative technique for this book seamlessly intertwines with the oceanic theme, creating a visual tapestry that mirrors the depth and diversity of the underwater world. The abstract waves, meticulously rendered with batik strokes, mimic the ebb and flow of ocean tides, while the textured depth achieved through the sprinkling of salt adds a tactile dimension reminiscent of the sea’s natural textures. Through this artistic marriage of batik and oceanic elements, Azhar not only tells the story of Tuty’s underwater odyssey but also transforms each page into a living, breathing masterpiece that echoes the beauty and complexity of the ocean.

    Loving this layout where the batik-painted waves seamlessly intertwine with the text, creating visual and literary harmony.

    ‘Tuty the Turtle’ is selected for the iBBY Honour List 2022 for its high-quality illustrations.

    Title: Tuty the Turtle
    Author/Illustrator: Nor Azhar Ishak
    ISBN: 9789672384342
    Publisher: Oyez!Books
    Year published: 2020

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    The Water Folks Return Home: A Delightful Journey through the Water Cycle

    In the pages of “The Water Folks Return Home,” a captivating narrative unfolds, inviting readers to explore the mesmerizing journey of rain droplets and the narratives they embody.

    The narrative unfolds as rain droplets descend from the sky, symbolizing the commencement of the water cycle. However, their return to Earth takes an unexpected turn, transforming into a flood. The story artfully weaves together the story of nature with the challenges it presents, setting the stage for a thoughtful exploration of environmental themes.

    As the raindrops become a flood, the story introduces a compelling human element. Within a week, the community faces the aftermath, rebuilding homes and planting trees to prevent future flooding. This imaginative twist not only captures the resilience of humanity but also imparts valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of our actions and the environment.

    The decision to plant more trees echoes the ecological wisdom that trees play a crucial role in maintaining a balance within ecosystems. They absorb excess water, reduce soil erosion, and contribute to a healthier environment. In this way, the story subtly encourages readers, both young and old, to appreciate the importance of sustainable practices in preserving our planet.

    “The Water Folks Return Home” is more than just a picture book; it’s an educational adventure that sparks curiosity about the natural world. Through its imaginative narrative, the book invites readers to ponder the significance of water cycles, the impact of human activities on the environment, and the role each of us can play in fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature.

    As we close the pages of this charming tale, let’s carry the lessons of “The Water Folks Return Home” into our own lives, fostering a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance that sustains our planet.

    About the author and illustrator:
    Landon Chia, the creative force behind “The Water Folks Return Home,” is a versatile artist with a passion for animation, writing, and indie game development. Landon’s storytelling prowess extends beyond the gaming realm, as evidenced by “The Water Folks Return Home.” Through this picture book, he not only showcases his talent as a storyteller but also introduces young readers to the wonders of the water cycle in a captivating and imaginative way.

    Chinnyinc hails from the town of Kluang and her artistic journey led her to the prestigious Cambridge School of Art in the UK, where she pursued a major in MA Children’s Book Illustration. Chinnyinc’s artistry shines through this book as she expertly employs watercolour and coloured pencils to bring the narrative to life. Her choice of mediums adds a touch of warmth and whimsy to the illustrations, creating a visual feast for readers of all ages.

    Where to buy:
    You can buy this book from The Museum of Picture Book Art at GMBB, Jalan Robertson, KL or get in touch with the author and illustrator on Instagram: Landon Chia and Chinnyinc

    The Water Folks Return Home
    Author: Landon Chia
    Illustrator: Chinnyinc
    Price RM38.00
    ISBN 9786299738121
    Publisher: Brand Gasing Buku
    Size: 29 cm x 23 cm x 2 cm

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    A Visual Delight and Heartwarming Tale in “Grandma’s Jungle Foot Massage”

    “Grandma’s Jungle Foot Massage” revolves around two boys who live near the jungle with their grandma. Every night, they heard sounds from the jungle, which Grandma explained as the sombre cries of animals losing their homes to development. Grandma, being a skilled foot massager, decided to take action. One day, the three of them ventured into the jungle, bringing fried bananas.

    Grandma even set up a spot for foot massages for the animals. The creatures were elated as the humans pampered them, and they joyfully shared yummy fried bananas.

    I love that the genuine connection between humans and the jungle’s inhabitants adds a layer of authenticity to the story, making it a delightful and relatable read. The book catalyzes conversations about our responsibility to care for the environment and the positive change that can stem from acts of empathy.

    Written by Ritsuko Araki and illustrated by Sanae Yamada, this picture book carries a poignant message of compassion and the transformative power of small gestures. Araki skillfully explores profound themes within the pages of this picture book. The narrative serves as a gentle reminder of the impact of human development on wildlife. The harmonious blend of the characters with the jungle underscores the importance of preserving our natural surroundings. Araki subtly weaves in environmental awareness, making it accessible and relevant for young readers.

    The story was originally written in Japanese and translated by Jerry Martin, who works mostly in children’s literature. He studied Japanese language and literature before moving to Japan to teach English to children.

    Sanae Yamada’s enchanting illustrations bring an extra layer of magic to this already delightful tale. Hailing from Ehime, Japan, and residing in Malaysia since 2003, Yamada’s watercolour mastery shines through. The vibrant and adorable colours leap off the pages, creating a visual feast that complements the narrative beautifully. Each stroke of the brush adds a touch of whimsy to the story, making it a joy to behold.

    In conclusion, “Grandma’s Jungle Foot Massage” is an enchanting journey that beautifully imparts lessons on environmental stewardship and the enduring impact of simple acts of kindness. This picture book is a must-read for those seeking both entertainment and meaningful takeaways.

    Title: Grandma’s Jungle Foot Massage
    Cover: Hardcover
    Publisher: Oyez!Books

    This book can be purchased from the Museum of Picture Book Art, GMBB, Jalan Robertson, KL.

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    Buku Plogging membuka ruang membincangkan kelestarian alam dengan kanak-kanak

    Buku bergambar bertajuk ‘Plogging’ hasil tulisan dan ilustrasi Tun ‘Alia Nadirah adalah sebuah karya yang memperkenalkan tentang konsep plogging, konsep yang pertama kali diperkenalkan dalam buku bergambar kanak-kanak di Malaysia.

    Buku ini mengisahkan seorang ayah yang membawa tiga orang anaknya berlari santai di taman sambil membawa beg sampah. Di sepanjang larian, ayah menggalakkan anak-anaknya mengutip sampah. Apabila penat, mereka akan berehat sebentar sebelum menghabiskan larian. Aktiviti yang mereka lakukan ini dikenali sebagai plogging.

    Apa itu plogging? Istilah plogging ini berasal dari perkataan Swedish “plocka upp,” yang bermaksud “kutip,” dan kata Inggeris “jogging,” yang bermaksud lari santai. Aktiviti plogging melibatkan peserta yang berlari atau berjalan sambil memungut sampah di sepanjang laluan mereka.

    Idea utama di sebalik plogging adalah untuk mempromosikan kesihatan fizikal sambil menyumbang kepada kebersihan alam sekitar.

    Melalui teks dan ilustrasi yang mudah difahami, buku ini membuka ruang untuk perbincangan antara ibu bapa dan anak-anak atau guru dan anak-anak murid, tentang kelestarian alam dan cara-cara memberikan sumbangan positif kepada persekitaran.

    Karya pertama Alia ini diilustrasi menggunakan pen warna (magic colour) dan pensel warna yang kemudiannya diimbas dan digabungkan dengan elemen dan tektur menggunakan teknik kolaj digital. Walaupun ada ruang untuk pembaikan, namun usaha untuk melukis dan menerbit sendiri karya pertama beliau ini patut dipuji.

    Saiz: 20 cm x 20 cm
    Mukasurat: 24
    Kulit: Lembut
    ISBN: 9786299725909
    Jika berminat, boleh dapatkan buku Plogging daripada Tun ‘Alia Nadirah (Instagram).


    English version:

    Plogging Provides a Space for Discussing Environmental Sustainability with Children

    ‘Plogging,’ a picture book written and illustrated by Tun ‘Alia Nadirah, is a work that introduces the concept of plogging, a concept first introduced in a children’s picture book in Malaysia.

    The book tells the story of a father who takes his three children for a leisurely run in the park while carrying trash bags. Throughout the run, the father encourages his children to pick up litter. When tired, they take a short break before completing the run. This activity is known as plogging.

    So, what is plogging? The term “plogging” comes from the Swedish word “plocka upp,” which means “pick up,” and the English word “jogging,” which means leisurely running. Plogging involves participants running or walking while picking up trash along their route.

    The main idea behind plogging is to promote physical health while contributing to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

    Through easily understandable text and illustrations, this book provides a platform for discussions between parents and children, teachers and students about environmental sustainability and ways to contribute positively to the environment.

    Alia’s first work is illustrated using coloured pen (magic colour) and coloured pencil which are later scanned and combined with elements and textures using digital collage techniques. Although there is room for improvement, her efforts to paint and independently publish her first work are commendable.

    Size: 20 cm x 20 cm
    Pages: 24
    Cover: Soft
    ISBN: 9786299725909
    If you are interested, you can get the book directly from Tun ‘Alia Nadirah (Instagram).

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  • CHILDREN'S LITERATURE,  Picbook Review

    Ilustrasi buku bergambar Semut Oh Semut membuktikan kepelbagaian teknik dan media seni boleh menjadikan buku lebih menarik dibaca

    “Semut Oh Semut” oleh Zanariah Salam adalah sebuah karya yang memikat hati dengan cerita mengenai semut hitam yang gigih bekerjasama melalui pelbagai rintangan untuk mengangkut makanan pulang ke sarang.

    Ilustrasinya, menggunakan teknik kolaj dengan pewarnaan kertas sebelum dipotong, memperlihatkan daya kreativiti yang tinggi. Potongan dibuat menggunakan gunting dan ada juga yang dikoyak dengan tangan untuk mendapatkan bentuk dan tekstur yang organik. Penggunaan teknik kolaj tidak hanya menghiasi, tetapi juga memberikan dimensi tambahan pada cerita.

    Walaupun teknik ini nampak mudah namun menurut ilustrator, yang juga penulis buku ini, Zanariah Salam, proses potong dan tampal merupakan satu proses yang mencabar. Setiap subjek perlu dipotong mengikut saiznya dan oleh kerana ada potongan yang bersaiz kecil, jika terjatuh ianya akan hilang dicelah-celah potongan yang lain.

    Walau bagaimana pun, ada juga bahagian proses yang disukainya—proses yang menurut beliau, merangsang sel-sel otak supaya bertindak lebih cergas. Contohnya ketika menampal kolaj. Waktu ini beliau akan mengubahsuai susunatur papan cerita dan menggubahnya mengikut gerak rasa, permainan warna dan cara potongan.

    Dengan 24 mukasurat dan teks yang mesra kanak-kanak, buku ini menjanjikan pengalaman membaca dan belajar yang menyeronokkan untuk kanak-kanak berusia 6 tahun ke bawah. Disamping membaca, buku ini juga boleh dijadikan rujukan aktiviti seni kolaj.

    Saiz: 20 cm x 20 cm
    Kulit lembut
    ISBN 9786299665229
    Jika berminat, boleh dapatkan buku Semut Oh Semut daripada Zanariah Salam (Instagram) dan juga secara fizikal di Museum of Picture Book Art, GMBB, Jalan Robertson, Kuala Lumpur.


    The illustrations in the picture book “Semut Oh Semut” showcase the diversity of techniques and artistic media that can make a book more engaging to read.

    “Semut Oh Semut” by Zanariah Salam is a captivating work that tells the story of diligent black ants working together to overcome various obstacles in transporting food back to their nest. The illustrations, using collage techniques with pre-coloured paper before being cut, showcase a high level of creativity. Pieces are crafted using scissors, and some are torn by hand to achieve organic shapes and textures. The use of collage techniques not only embellishes but also adds an extra dimension to the story.

    Although this technique may seem simple, according to the illustrator and author of this book, Zanariah Salam, the cutting and glueing process is a challenging one. Each subject needs to be cut according to its size, and due to some small-sized pieces, if they fall, they might get lost among other cutouts.

    However, there are also parts of the process that she enjoys—the process that, according to her, stimulates brain cells to function more actively. For example, during the collage glueing, she modifies the arrangement of the storyboard, adapting it to feelings, colour play, and cutting techniques.

    With 24 pages and child-friendly text, this book promises an enjoyable reading and learning experience for children aged 6 and below. Beyond reading, the book can also serve as a reference for collage art activities.

    Size: 20 cm x 20 cm
    ISBN 9786299665229
    You can buy this book from the author on her IG page: Zanariah Salam (Instagram as well as at the Museum of Picture Book Art, GMBB, Jalan Robertson, Kuala Lumpur physically.

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