• my books

    Dream World now available in Indonesia

    Pre-order is now available in Indonesia for my Dream World colouring book. Head on to Tokotmindo on Instagram to pre-order and get 30% discount. It is compilation of few of my colouring books into one book.

    Dream World is published by Penerbit Haru.

    Judul : Dream Worlddream world_indonesia
    Penulis: Emila Yusof
    Halaman: 52
    Ukuran: 19×22 cm
    ISBN: 978-602-77428-4-0

    Buku ini berisi 48 ilustrasi yang akan membawa Anda menjelajah dunia mimpi. Anda akan menemukan peri-peri di dedaunan, berkunjung ke berbagai rumah pohon, dan melihat dunia di atas punggung burung raksasa.
    Ceriakan dunia mimpi di buku mewarnai untuk dewasa ini dengan untaian warna dan imajinasi yang Anda miliki!
    Jangan lupa bagikan karya Anda dengan tagar #DreamWorldID, dan mention @penerbitharu serta @coloringbookid. Best selling coloring book dari illustrator asal Malaysia. Instagram @EmilaYusof

  • my books

    Emila Yusof’s colourart book making news in Germany



    Neue Presse 9 November 2015

    Colour us excited!

    Sharpen your crayons and go! colouring isn’t kids’ stuff anymore but a real trend among adults to unwind. ‘Neue Presse’ editor Maike Jacobs and Frank Wilde (photography) present the most interesting books and the stars of the scene.

    When Anja Leidel is colouring she tends to forget everything around her. Colouring is pure relaxation for her. She loses herself completely in the worlds on paper that become more colourful with every stroke: ‘This form of colouring is for me a creative kind of meditation’, the 38-year-old says. ‘It’s so exciting to see how the colours come to life and the picture changes its expression. You stop thinking about anything else – colouring art truly grounds me.

    Anja Leidel always used to draw and paint, showed her paintings in an exhibition in high school times but didn’t continue her hobby. ‘I became a graphic designer and focused on editorial design instead.’ Besides her agency she founded a small publishing house called ‘feingespinst‘ last year dedicated to publish beautiful and artful books.

    ‘At Frankfurt book fair last year I met the Malaysian artist, Emila Yusof. I liked her artworks so much that I immediately decided to publish them as colouring art books for adults under my publishing label.’ Each of the colouring art books ‘Mama Erde’ (‘Mother Earth’) and ‘Liebe Natur’ (‘Nature Sings’) contain 13 hand drawn artworks by Emila Yusof. ‘You can frame your masterpiece after it’s done or give it away as a a gift’, the young publisher recommends.

    And of course Anja Leidel rediscovered her old hobby and now colours with enthusiasm herself: ‘When colouring, the biggest joy is creating your own rules – what colours you choose or what combinations you use.’

    EXCITED: Anja Leidel hasn’t only discovered her passion for colouring, but published two colouring books for adults. ‘Mutter Erde’ — ‘Mother Earth’ — (small photograph) is one of them.


    Neue Presse 9. November 2015

    Das können Sie sich nicht schöner ausmalen

    Stifte gespitzt und los gehts: Ausmalen ist kein Kinderkram, sondern unter Erwachsenen ein echter Trend mit meditativer Wirkung. NP-Redakteurin Maike Jacobs und Frank Wilde (Fotos) stellen die interessantesten Bücher und die Stars der Szene vor.

    Wenn Anja Leidel ausmalt, dann vergisst sie alles um sich herum. Malen, das ist für sie pures Abschalten. Sie verliert sich vollkommen in den Welten auf dem Papier, die Strich um Strich bunter werden: „Diese Form des Ausmalens ist für mich eine kreative Art der Meditation“, sagt die 38-Jährige. „Es ist so spannend, zu sehen, wie die Farben allmählich wirken und das Bild einen anderen Ausdruck bekommt. Man denkt an nichts anderes – das Ausmalen erdet einen!“

    Anja Leidel hat schon immer gemalt, als Abiturientin sogar eine Ausstellung mit ihren Bildern gehabt, aber dann das Hobby nicht weiter verfolgt. „Ich bin Grafikdesignerin geworden, habe mich mehr auf Publikationsdesign konzentriert.“

    Neben ihrer Agentur hat die Hannoveranerin im letzten Jahr den kleinen Verlag „Feingespinst“ aufgebaut, in dem sie schöne, künstlerische Bücher herausbringt.

    „Vergangenes Jahr habe ich auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse die malaysische Künstlerin Emila Yusof kennengelernt. Ihre Bilder fand ich gleich so toll, dass ich sofort beschloss, diese als Malbücher für Erwachsene in meinem Verlag herauszubringen.“ Die Bücher „Mama Erde“ und „Liebe Natur“ sind Ausmalbücher (8,50 Euro) mit jeweils 13 handgezeichneten Motiven. „Man kann die Bilder auch nach dem Ausmalen heraustrennen, sich rahmen oder auch verschenken“, sagt die Jung-Verlegerin.

    Und natürlich hat Anja Leidel ihr altes Hobby wiederentdeckt und malt mit Begeisterung selbst aus: „Beim Ausmalen ist der besondere Spaß, dass man sich selbst die Regeln setzen kann, welche Farben man nimmt, unter welchen Aspekten man die Muster coloriert.“


    BEGEISTERT: Anja Leidel hat nicht nur ihre Leidenschaft fürs Ausmalen entdeckt, sondern auch schon zwei Erwachsenen-Malbücher herausgebracht. „Mutter Erde“ (kleines Foto) ist eines davon.

  • my books

    My Colourart Series now available in Germany!


    Mama-ErdeCredit photo: Anja Leidel @feingespinst.

    My colouring books, Mama Erde (Mother Earth) and Liebe Natur (Nature Sings) are now available in Hannover, Germany. Published by Feingespinst Verlag.


    • LITERA Buchhandlung Hildegard George
      Jakobistraße 12, Hannover
    • Buchhandlung BücherwurmKinder- und Jugendliteratur
      Kollenrodtstraße 55, Hannover
    • de.dawanda.com/shop/feingespinst

      or e-mail to:

  • my books

    Beat the stress with my Colourart Series


    For the past few months, I have been working on this colouring book series and Alhamdulillah, all four of them are already published by Oyez!Books and now available for online purchase at oyezbookstore.com. You can also buy from Silverfish Books in Bangsar Village 2 but I am not too sure if they have stocks as these books are a favourite buy and fast-selling especially among adults.

    Adults can involve in such recreational activities instead of choosing drugs for recreation, there are heroin rehab centers that help adults overcome such issues. Addiction problems can be helped by experts from alcohol rehab to make sure victims have a fresh start.

    Quitting alcohol can be tough, especially if you have an alcohol addiction. However, it is the best decision you can make if you have an alcohol problem. The signs you have an alcohol problem, if you find yourself drinking more alcohol than usual, or abusing alcohol/ binge drinking more frequently.

    Fighting substance abuse is one of the most difficult challenges that anyone will face. But being able to get the facts here on how to fight this challenge, it is now possible to overcome the disease of addiction!

    Colouring books are now an escapism for those who want to beat stress just like when they use items such as CBD UK. How is that? *Experts say colouring helps to calm the amygdala, the part of the brain that controls our emotions and senses. It may also provide a mental escape by transporting us back to the carefree days of childhood. When colouring, we activate different areas of our two cerebral hemispheres, says psychologist Gloria Martínez Ayala. “The action involves both logic, by which we color forms, and creativity, when mixing and matching colors. This incorporates the areas of the cerebral cortex involved in vision and fine motor skills [coordination necessary to make small, precise movements]. The relaxation that it provides lowers the activity of the amygdala, a basic part of our brain involved in controlling emotion that is affected by stress.” The resurgence addiction center is where one can go to get rid of substance addiction and abuse.

    *Source credit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/coloring-for-stress_n_5975832.html

    Buy now from oyezbookstore.com. RM20 each. Make your purchase online, wait for the book to arrive at your doorstep and colour away.

    While waiting, get the colouring tools ready. I recommend you buy a set of colour pencils because crayons are a bit bulky for the intricate details in these colouring books.

  • my books

    Working on new book

    I am currently working on my new book: Legendary Princesses of The World. Here are some of the princesses that I illustrated. The princesses in this book includes Korean, Romanian, Indonesian, German, Finnish and many more.  Stories were contributed (in summaries and/or the name of a princess in their country) by people who attended the Frankfurt Buchmesse last year.
