
Of copyright and making nice conversation

Sometimes it sadden me that people just ripped something they like from the Internet without reading the proper notice that appears along with it like “this image is subject to copyright”.

This happened to me recently and below was the conversation:

Emila Yusof
Hi, can you kindly remove the profile picture? It is my illustration that I did for Hush Puppies only. They paid me the licensing fee and somehow posted it on their website without the copyright notice that I want them to post.  If you still want to use this illustration, you need to pay me the usage fee.

Emila Yusof
Here is the link to prove that it is mine:

Spore Mini Shop
Da remove pon…
Bak kata org msia…loghat sgt sampai need to pay the usage fee…tak heran sgt pun…i amik pun kat google..bkn ceroboh kat mane2 website org….
(I removed already. Like the Malaysian likes to put it ‘fussing much’; that one has to go the the extend and pay to use the image. I don’t really give a care, I took it from Google, not taking from other people’s website.)

Emila Yusof
Thank you. Saya cakap dengan baik. Kalau tak boleh terima, terpulanglah.
Di google setiap image search akan disertai dengan ‘image is subject to copyright’.
(Thank you. I asked you nicely and if you cannot accept it, what can I say. When you search images on Google. it will state “image is subject to copyright.)

Spore Mini Shop
Da la…takle bawak mati pon bende tu…harta dunia jer…tu pon nk kecoh sgt…
(Enough…you cannot take the image to your grave…so why the fuss…)


  • Hazural

    hiyeeee…. teruknya org ni…. kalau ya pun sentap, x perlu laaa nak sebut2 negara bagai… apa2 pun kita tetap serumpun, tgok ayat dah tau awak tu sebangsa ngan kita, beradab la sikit…

  • Unsunghero

    Salam Emila…masyarakat di Malaysia masih tak tahu (atau buat-buat tak tahu) mengenai undang-undang hak cipta. Dalam zaman sekarang yang segalanya boleh “diselesaikan” melalui Google, soal hak peribadi, hak cipta, hak orang lain sudah tidak diendahkan.

  • emila

    Salam UH. Itulah. Yang saya kesalkan ada yang ingat semua dalam Internet itu percuma. Ada undang-undang cyber tetapi tak ramai yang prihatin.

  • Syuq

    Bila baca ayat dia, saya rasa terkilan sangat. Buat salah tu memang satu hal. Keluarkan ayat-ayat teruk macam tu pula. Terkilan sebab ayat-ayat tu ditujukan pada K.Em. Walaupun saya hanya mengenali K.Em secara maya, tapi saya amat menghormati K.Em sebab K.Em sentiasa menggunakan bahasa yang baik dalam penulisan blog dan email. Sekurang-kurangnya wujudkanlah sedikit rasa hormat kepada orang lain walaupun tak kenal. Daripada bahasa teruk yang digunakan, sangat menggambarkan empunya diri tu tidak berbudi bahasa dan tak perlu dihormati orang lain……..

  • emila

    Alhamdulillah dapat bersabar. Kadang-kadang termarah juga tetapi bila difikirkan yang orang kita masih tak prihatin, saya kena tabah menegur mereka.

  • Robyn Mitchell

    Ah this is just terrible Emila! Makes me think I should urgently put a watermark on all the illustrations I have created, so as to make people not want to steal work!

  • Robyn Mitchell

    It’s just a terrible reflection on how undervalued the creative industry is! It takes time, effort and perseverance to create a work of art, as well as the hours you put in to develop your art. Sigh.

  • cikcloudy

    2k tuuu, patut la my lawyer fren dlu ckp klu nk saman tu company besar barulah sedap, masa tu pic sy yg siap berwatermark digunakan dalam brochure satu company nih..

  • emila

    That is the ugly truth. People do not know how we illustrators took our time to draw; right from the though process to the finished work.

  • emila

    Yes, I think you should put watermark. I am trying to replace old images with new ones with watermark and copyright notice but I have too many images in this blog and it is hard to find time to replace the images. Apart from that the time stamp of when I posted the image is quite important.

  • imaisha

    ya Allah! sape la org ni ye. rude sgt. mcm tak belajar moral or agama pulak kat sekolah. takde adab langsung bila make a conversation. geez, some people never fail to surprise me in such a bad way..