sketch,  Travel illo,  TRAVEL/HOLIDAYS

6 steps on how to sketch people when travelling

I like to sketch people on the go. But my problem has always been I am not a fast sketcher. I take my sweet time, studying an object before sketching. People are always on the go – walking, talking – and they would disappear into thin air before I could finish. To solve this problem, I always capture them on camera and transfer the photo to my laptop later, so I can refer to it and draw easily.

My husband moves a lot. I captured him on camera and later draw him.

Of course drawing people sitting, drinking coffee, or sleeping is much easier because they hardly move, and even if they do, they somehow go back to the same position.

This painter sat still, the only body part that was moving was the right hand. Made it easier for me to sketch live on location.

If you’re a (slow) sketcher like me, here are some tips on drawing people when you travel:

1. As I already mentioned earlier – if you want to draw people walking, take a picture. Transfer the image to your laptop so you can refer to it from there while you sketch. You can also refer to the image directly from your camera if you want, if the battery is up to it.

2. Go to places where people sit: café’s, trains, bus stops, etc…

3. Draw a rough outline first. Work on the details later.

4. Try not to rub as much.

5. Practice to draw faster. You’ll sketch faster if you always practice.

6. Just remember: It’s a sketch. Don’t try too hard. Let it come naturally and enjoy the process.