• awareness/charity

    Gunakan Bahasa Melayu Dengan Betul

    Kali ini saya berbahasa Melayu kerana apa yang saya ingin sampaikan adalah mengenai Bahasa Melayu, bahasa rasmi negara kita. Saya bukanlah guru Bahasa Melayu yang bertauliah, namun asas penggunaan Bahasa Melayu telah saya pelajari sejak dibangku sekolah lagi.

    Seringkali saya membaca blog atau taraf terkini Facebook yang menggunakan bahasa pesanan ringkas (atau SMS) seperti “Aq x suk dy dowh” atau yang seumpamanya. Contoh ayat yang saya berikan membawa maksud “Aku tak suka dialah.” ‘Dowh’ adalah perkataan yang diambil dari bahasa pasar Bahasa Inggeris, ‘Doh’, iaitu satu ungkapan keluhan untuk menguatkan penggunaan ayat. Jika di dalam Bahasa Melayu, mungkin kita boleh guna ‘lah’.

    Jika diteliti, sebenarnya tidak membazir masa pun untuk menulis ayat penuh bagi ‘aku’. Hanya tiga huruf. Ini termasuklah ayat-ayat lain juga seperti ‘tidak’ atau ‘tak’ yang diringkaskan menjadi ‘x’. Bagi saya jika hanya menulis pesanan ringkas menggunakan telefon bimbit sesama kawan sendiri, ianya tidak ketara. Tetapi jika anda menulisnya dengan tujuan supaya semua orang membacanya, anda perlu fikirkan sekali lagi. Ianya amat tidak sesuai dan juga secara tidak langsung menunjukkan keperibadian anda sebagai seorang yang kelam kabut, cincai, pemalas dan mungkin juga dicap sebagai tidak tahu mengeja.

    bahasa jiwa bangsa

    Disini saya senaraikan beberapa perkara yang perlu diambil berat yang saya kira perlu ditekankan kepada semua termasuk kanak-kanak seawal usia 6 tahun:

    1. Eja dengan betul. Contoh ejaan betul: Orang. Ejaan salah: Owang, owunk. Ini juga harus diterapkan untuk semua perkataan lain, bukan hanya perkataan ‘orang’. Orang adalah satu contoh yang saya gunakan disini.

    2. Gunakan singkatan rasmi untuk perbualan bertulis dan elakkan penambahan huruf lain dihujung perkataan. Contoh singkatan bagi ‘sahaja’ ialah saja.  Contoh singkatan yang salah adalah ‘jeww’.

    3. Gunakan huruf besar di permulaan ayat dan juga nama khas. Gunakan juga tanda baca seperti koma, titik dan sebagainya di tempat yang betul. Contoh yang betul: Banyak tawaran perjalanan ke Eropah, Amerika dan Afrika, namun saya lebih tertarik untuk berkunjung ke China. Contoh yang salah: banyak tawaran perjalanan ke eropah, amerika dan afrika, namun saya lebih tertarik untuk berkunjung ke china 

    Marilah kita menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul. Dengan ini saya secara tidak rasmi ingin berkongsi lencana blog Kempen Gunakan Bahasa Melayu Dengan Betul dengan anda semua.

    Gunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul


    <img src="https://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq205/emilayusof/melayu1.jpg" alt="Gunakan Bahasa Melayu Dengan Betul" width="200" />

    Gunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan Betul


    <img src="https://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq205/emilayusof/melayu2.jpg" alt="Gunakan Bahasa Melayu Dengan Betul" width="200" />

    Untuk mengecilkan saiz, anda hanya perlu tukar saiznya dibahagian ‘width’.l

    Anda boleh memilih lencana yang anda minati dan tampal di ruangan tepi blog anda. Dengan penggunaan logo ini di blog anda, anda secara tidak rasmi juga perlu menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul. Jika bahasa perantara blog anda ialah Bahasa Inggeris, anda juga boleh menggunakan lencana ini.

    Ianya terpulang kepada anda sendiri. Bersamalah kita menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul.

    Bahan bacaan penting yang berkaitan:
    SMS: Apabila mereka mengeja sesuka hati oleh Nisah Haron
    Lagi bahasa esemes oleh Nisah Haron
    Short form oleh Mazuriah

    Nota tambahan: Jika anda ingin menambah kepada senarai diatas, sila nyatakan di ruangan ulasan dibawah. Jika anda mempunyai cadangan lencana tambahan (dari segi gambar dan ayat), sila nyatakan juga. Pastikan anda menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul.

  • comm. work,  digital illos

    Wedding illo set

    I did this for an old friend (last July) who is entrusted by her brother to handle his wedding invite. Corrine wants me to come up with a set of travel illustrations as her brother and fiancee are both cabin crew. The invite will be like a passport and so I added an emblem for the cover.

    travel illos


    Emblem rationale: as Dominic and Yvonne loves travelling, i made two birds spreading their wings. Dominic the bird with bow tie and Yvonne with frangipani. these two birds also depict lovebirds. The middle armour depicts love, Dominic & Yvonne (DY), wedding rings and family (2 adults and at least 3 kids). Haha.

    Dominic and Yvonne will tie the knot in December 2011.

  • awareness/charity,  comm. work,  watercolor

    See green, see life – finished work

    We, the human beings, not leaving behind the animals, need trees to live.  Trees produce oxygen and we could all not exist without trees. A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. What many people don’t realize is that the forest also acts as a giant filter that cleans the air we breath. Deforestation is becoming more and more ‘popular’ and the filter is getting more thinner and thinner. I am afraid that if we do not take action from now, there will be no more forests and trees. And when this happens, we will all be struggling for oxygen and we might even have to buy oxygen to survive. Imagine Oxygen Banks everywhere. And imagine that the interest will be higher and higher everyday due to high demands. Imagine…imagine…. If you need a portable oxygen concentrator like this Simply Go Mini oxygen concentrator, you can check out a helpful site like https://mainclinicsupply.com/products/philips-respironics-simplygo-mini-portable-oxygen-system-free-next-day-fedex-overnight-shipping for more info!

    Oh well, I got carried away after watching ‘In Time’ movie few weeks back. But, the situation is possible, you know. PLEASE, love trees and plant trees. Join the effort to help curb destruction of natural resources. One way is to join PEKA. PEKA MALAYSIA is an NGO known as Pertubuhan Pelindung Khazanah Alam Malaysia, which was form to stop the destruction of natural resources, to defend the rights of environment and be the voice of nature, and further more to educate to create awareness about nature, sound health and the preservation and sustenance of the environment.

    Here’s a poster I did for PEKA for their upcoming event that will be done in regular basis. Will let you know more about the event soon. This poster has yet to be approved by committee members but I post it here just to share with you.

    see green, see life


    Personal safety in Cape Town

    Prior to my trip to Cape Town in July 2011, I did a research about how safe is Cape Town. From what I read, mostly from personal encounters, walking/driving alone at night is not safe. Apart from that it is advised to avoid carrying large sums of cash and having cameras or video cameras hang around the neck.

    My husband and I did all the above and thankfully we walked safely during the days of our 6 days trip there. We were very cautious about walking at night. The streets of Cape Town became very quiet after 7pm. There was once when my husband walked across the streets looking for snacks. We already had our dinner but the cold weather made us hungry. He came back after 10 minutes saying that the streets seemed dead. There was even someone tailing him but he sensed something not right and walked back fast to the hotel. After that, we just took away something everyday before making our way back to the hotel. There was one day that we took a taxi as it was already past 9pm. We went for a movie (Transformer) and dared not walk back to the hotel in the dark. We took a cab instead and paid R40. I know it was expensive but we were very concerned about our safety.

    Cape Town is trying very hard to prevent crime and have made considerable efforts to safeguard tourists against crime. Surveillance cameras monitor activities in the central Business District and security guards watch over the major shopping centers and crime prone area.

    safety station

    The CCID’s security partnership, working with the Central City’s business community, the South African Police Services and other security organisations and stakeholders, have formed a tight security net around the City.

    Due to this cooperative effort, the crime rate has dropped significantly and many incidents are prevented from happening. The valuable complementary services provided by the CCID security partnership ensures that additional officers are being deployed in the Central City 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    In case of emergency, here are important contact numbers for Cape Town:
    Ambulance: 10177
    Fire Brigade: 461 5555
    Flying Squad: 10111
    Mountain Rescue: 10111
    Police: 467 8000
    Police (Tourist Assistance Unit): 418 2852
    Sea Rescue: 405 3500

    I feel the need to share this article and hope it gives you an insight about personal safety in Cape Town.


  • ABOUT ME,  watercolor

    Do ONE thing and do it well


    I was reading an article by Jacob Cass when it got me to thinking that I should really concentrate on what I do best. My niche has always been drawing and not other things. Along the way I have tried web/blog designing, graphic designing, make crafty things, sewing, etcetra etcetra. I do web/blog design because I like to offer people the option of getting the designer they like to do it. I do graphic design because that was my job since 1995 up until 2007. I make crafty things because I like to create things. I like things to be the way I like it.

    I stopped doing web/blog design early this year because I don’t really have the time to spend on coding. Furthermore, I could not cope with the pressure (it’s just not the coding) that comes with it. But I do entertain customers who really have the faith in me designing their web/blog. This I do secretly but now you know.  As for the crafty stuff, I totally stop making but I do entertain customers who really want me to sew for them. As for graphic designing, I am very sure that I am tired of doing it. I grew old doing it and the reason why I quit my job as graphic designer back in 2007 was because I decided not to be graphic designer for the rest of my working life. And if I was the employee, the idea of having old graphic designer is not appealing at all. Haha.

    When I read Jacob’s article, I thought, “yes, I am on the right path.” But I still feel that there are so many things sitting on my shoulder and hence feel the need to cut on some jobs.

    Come 2012, I have decided to:

    • only take job order for these: Em’s doll (for blog avatar/profile, blog header and prints).
    • draw more of my own children’s books and paintings for sale, cutting back on commission jobs for others except for those whom I have promised to illustrate for them.

    No more web/blog or graphic designing for others. As for sewing, I am going to treat it as hobby or to relieve stress from drawing.

    playing ball

    Trying to do everything when time does not permits is not good. I had failed to deliver on time on many occasions as I had so many things in hands to do. For that matter, I have been thinking hard and try to find the solution. Lucky I came across the above article.

    So my magic word is basically DRAW. What’s yours? Have you tried to do more than one thing and at the end failed to deliver? What is the ONE thing that you are very passionate of doing? Try to determine what it is and excel on it. Good luck!

    P/s 130 more posts to go 😛

  • watercolor

    Don’t leave your child hungry

    Another illo I made for the commissioned 2012 calendar.

    Do you know that leaving your child hungry can be considered a neglect?

    The Child Act 2001 protects children from being neglect. All parents and caregivers have a duty of care to ensure that children are adequately cared for and have all their basic needs provided.
