• copyright

    Hormati hakcipta seseorang

    This time around, I am writing in BM because those infringers of my artworks were all locals.

    Bila kita mencipta karya lukisan, foto, rekabentuk dan penulisan, secara automatiknya, kita memiliki hakcipta keatas karya-karya tersebut. Atas dasar itu, kita mempunyai hak untuk menyiarkan karya-karya tersebut kepada orang awam, juga memanfaatkannya dari segi kewangan. Dalam ertikata lain, kita berhak menjual atau memberi lesen kepada yang berminat untuk menggunakan bahan-bahan tersebut samada untuk kegunaan peribadi juga komersil. Kita juga mempunyai hak untuk menghalang seseorang dari mencuri atau menggunakannya.

    Melalui pengalaman yang telah saya lalui, kesedaran ini amat kurang di Malaysia berbanding negara-negara lain. Karya saya telah beberapa kali dicuri untuk kegunaan peribadi juga komersil oleh pemilik-pemilik blog dan juga designer yang bekerja di syarikat-syarikat yang boleh dikatakan agak berjaya. Contoh paling ketara adalah karakter-karakter yang saya cipta seperti emsdoll, raya girl dan merdeka girl.

    Karya teratas (poster ika dan isk) telah dicuri oleh designer  dan menjual kepada pelanggan. Dia telah menggunakan teknik ‘trace’ semula. Dalam kes karya bunting kahwin fizza dan rashid, designer mendapat rujukan imej dari pelanggannya, fizza. Fizza mengambil gambar tersebut tanpa izin. Kedua-dua designer dan pelanggan telah meminta maaf daripada saya.

    raya girl

    Dalam kes ini pula, designer yang mempunyai Hons. Art & Design, telah mencuri karya ini dan dua lagi emsdoll untuk ditampal pada kalendar yang diedarkan untuk pelanggan syarikat tempat dia bekerja. Dia telah dipecat dan saya mendapat pampasan.

    Untuk karya yang ini pula, saya sendiri telah terjumpa berpuluh cetakan fotostat yang telah digantung di kaunter pembelian tiket di Genting Highland semasa sambutan hari kemerdekaan. Saya telah menghubungi pihak berkenaan dan mereka menurunkan cetakan tersebut dengan segera dan meminta maaf.


    Karya ini telah dicuri (mungkin oleh designer atau pencetak poster) dan karakter saya telah diubah tetapi kebanyakkan hasil cipta saya seperti riben, corak pada baju kanak-kanak perempuan, corak pada sampin baju melayu kanak-kanak lelaki, ayam dan anak ayam, pelita adalah semua hasil kerja saya.

    name card with my stolen artwork

    Karya ini telah dicuri oleh saya tidak pasti samada pemilik kad perniagaan ini atau designernya. Menurut kata pemilik kad perniagaan, designer di syarikat cetakan itu yang memberi pilihan design untuk kad perniagaannya.

    used without copyright

    Karya ini telah dicuri oleh seorang wanita yang mahu membantu tunangnya menjalankan perniagaan mug. Dia menggunakan foto dan illustrasi saya tanpa kebenaran.

    Karya ini dicuri oleh seorang mahasiswa yang sedang belajar di universiti ketika itu. Dia telah mengedit illustrasi saya dan menjadikannya banner header untuk blog miliknya.

    Mengambil karya-karya dari internet dan meletakkannya di dalam blog atau memanfaatkannya untuk tujuan komersil tanpa mendapatkan kebenaran dari si pencipta atau si pemilik adalah salah disisi undang-undang. Ada yang mungkin berkata, “Ala, dah letak di internet, saya ambil je la. Kalau tidak, tak payahlah siarkan di Internet!” Ada juga yang mungkin berkata, “Saya gunanya untuk tujuan peribadi, nak cetak atas kad kahwin je, tak menguntungkan mana-mana pihak pun.”

    Ingat, perangai seperti ini akan membuatkan anda terjebak ke dalam tuntutan saman oleh pencipta.

    Disini saya memetik kata-kata penulis Nisah Haron:

    Pelaksanaannya tetap tidak boleh dijalankan, jika pihak yang teraniaya (contoh dalam kes Puan Emila ini) tidak mengambil tindakan. Undang-undang itu tidak bergerak dengan sendirinya. Undang-undang yang sedia ada juga tidak bermakna, jika manusia tidak mahu ambil tahu dan peduli.

    Seperti dalam kes Puan Emila Mohd Yusof. Karyanya dicetak rompak. Dia buat ‘bising’ dan meminta ganti rugi daripada pihak yang telah mengambil karyanya tanpa izin. Tuntutan itu ialah sebahagian daripada hak beliau yang telah digariskan oleh undang-undang. Itulah pelaksanaan yang dimaksudkan. Kalau dibiarkan, pihaknya akan rugi kerana Puan Emila sudah menegaskan dirinya adalah pemilik hak cipta karya.

    Langkah berikutnya, jika tuntutan itu tidak diendahkan, beliau boleh buat laporan polis dan seterusnya kes itu boleh dibawa ke mahkamah. Itu juga satu pelaksanaan. Namun, tindakan mesti dibuat daripada pemohon. Demikian, sistem perundangan berfungsi di negara kita dan kebanyakan negara di dunia.

    Hakikat hak cipta tidak perlu didaftarkan (hanya perlu ditegaskan seperti dalam buku atau blog – dengan meletakkan logo (C)) tidak bermakna sesiapa sahaja boleh mengambil tanpa izin lagi percuma.

    Ini juga tidak bermakna pihak yang mengambil tanpa izin itu boleh didenda begitu sahaja. Harus ada permohonan dan mengikut prosedur.

    Jadi, sebelum anda ingin mengambil bahan-bahan dari Internet, dapatkan kebenaran dari pencipta atau pemiliknya. Pada hakikatnya, tidak semua benda dalam dunia ini percuma, ini termasuk segala jenis hasil penulisan (kecuali yang telah disahkan tersenarai di Public Domain), perisian komputer (termasuk perisian cetak rompak yang anda beli), gambar (termasuk gambar peribadi artis atau pelakon), poster, peta, lukisan, grafik, gambar iklan, strip kartun, karakter kartun seperti semua  kartun Disney, Hello Kitty, Domo, Upin & Ipin, Mamat, Angry Birds dan seumpamanya, filem, drama, iklan dan sebagainya.

    Ingat, hormati hakcipta orang lain dan minta kebenaran untuk menggunakannya. Atas budi bicara pencipta atau pemilik, anda mungkin boleh menggunakannya secara percuma (dengan memberi kredit nama juga pautan kepada pencipta) atau membayar lesen untuk penggunaan secara peribadi atau komersil.


    Untuk memahami secara lanjut mengenai hakcipta, anda boleh dapatkan buku hasil tulisan Nisah Haron yang bertajuk KARYA KITA HAK KITA. Pembelian boleh dilakukan secara online di kedai buku Ujana Ilmu.

    karya kita, hak kita oleh nisah haron

    Kredit gambar: Ujana Ilmu dan Nisah Haron

    Sekian, terma kasih kerana membaca.

  • my books,  sketch,  watercolor

    KL illustration: Bukit Bintang

    I have done all 10 drawings and currently awaits for the publisher to give feedback. I still need to do little relevant pencil sketches to accompany texts.

    This time my style is a bit laid back and relax, just like my other travel illustrations.

    jalan bukit bintang

    watercolor and pencil on moleskine watercolor sketchbook.


  • MISC

    Apakemende Chillyau ni?

    Twitter conversation:

    fikrikacak: “Verify source and seek consent.” Ni nasihat Kak @emilayusof . Gua harap Nara paham makna ayat ni.

    emilayusof: @fikrikacak thanks. nara ada isu ke?

    fikrikacak: @emilayusof Smlm dia ambil gmbr Tiz Zaqyah dlm instgram then letak dlm blog. Buatnya Tiz tu mcm Gambit, maki hamun, xpsl jd Nara’s new entry…

    emilayusof: ooo begitu kisahnya.


    Chillyau: @fikrikacak @emilayusof Jangan memfitnah bole tak? Tiz Zaqyah TIDAK maki hamunpun ni awak je yg tokok tambah. AstagfirulLah.


    fikrikacak: @emilayusof @Chillyau Dear Chillyau. Astaghfirullah, kalau tak tahu asal usul perbualan, tolong jangan menyampuk. Boleh?

    emilayusof: hey, saya tak fitnah sesiapa. don’t tag me unnecessarily. and @fikrikacak tidak memfitnah tiz. pls understand BM first before commenting. and don’t try to be a smart ass, asking people not to do thing that we were not doing. get real.

    Terjemahan buat Chillyau: Buatnya = What if.

    Don’t la sebok-sebok perbualan orang lain.

  • copyright


    I tell this over and over and over again until the infringers and thieves understand.

    Below article is from m previous post entitled Copyright of Images found on the Internet.

    This issue has been going on forever and many people are not aware about copyright or do not really understand the meaning of Copyright. Or do not understand the meaning at all.

    According to Encarta Dictionary:

    copyright [ kóppi r?t ] – creative artist’s control of original work: the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works.

    Basically, copyright automatically protects images found on websites. Artists do not have to register their works in order to protect them and a copyright symbol or notice does not have to be included with an image in order for it to be protected.

    don't play play, ok

    While browsing the Internet looking for reading material, I found this great article by Brad Templeton, 10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained. Brad gives full consent to share about this issue.

    Here are some myths that I copied that I thought relevant to my context:

    1) If it doesn’t have a copyright notice, it’s not copyrighted. The default you should assume for other people’s works is that they are copyrighted and may not be copied unless you know otherwise. There are some old works that lost protection without notice, but frankly you should not risk it unless you know for sure. It is true that a notice strengthens the protection, by warning people, and by allowing one to get more and different damages, but it is not necessary. If it looks copyrighted, you should assume it is. This applies to pictures, too. You may not scan pictures from magazines and post them to the net, and if you come upon something unknown, you shouldn’t post that either.

    2) If you don’t charge for it, it’s not a violation. False. Whether you charge can affect the damages awarded in court, but that’s main difference under the law. It’s still a violation if you give it away — and there can still be serious damages if you hurt the commercial value of the property.

    3) If it’s posted to Internet, it’s in the public domain. False. Nothing modern and creative is in the public domain anymore unless the owner explicitly puts it in the public domain(*). Explicitly, as in you have a note from the author/owner saying, “I grant this to the public domain.” Those exact words or words very much like them.

    9) It doesn’t hurt anybody — in fact it’s free advertising. It’s up to the owner to decide if they want the free ads or not. If they want them, they will be sure to contact you. Don’t rationalize whether it hurts the owner or not, ask them. Usually that’s not too hard to do.

    To read the full version, pleas visit Brad Templeton, 10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained.

  • copyright,  dollies

    Plagiarized work of my wedding Ems Doll

    A friend told me about this and thank you for that. I contacted the designer (Fafafo Craft Design) and she/he told me that it was supplied by the customer; Fizza.

    The designer traced my artwork and put it on this banner. And she/he put the blame on the customer saying that she was required to scan the doll by the customer.

    Lesson #1: We cannot trace any kind of cartoons or artworks. It is called PLAGIARISM. Find the source/owner, verify the usage (free or not, licensing or not, fair use or not) and seek consent or permission. If you cannot verify  the owner, do not try and be smart and trace the work. You need the creator’s consent to do that.  And if you are the pengantin searching for free cartoons on the Internet, think twice. Every cartoon or artwork upload onto the Internet has it’s owner. Verify source and seek consent.

    Please don’t be a smart ass.

    Again, find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent. Find source, verify usage and seek consent.

    I am one grumpy old woman.

  • Family travel,  Malaysia,  Selangor,  TRAVEL/HOLIDAYS,  watercolor

    Kg. Kuantan Fireflies

    I have been wanting to see fireflies (or kelip-kelip in Malay which means twinkling lights) in action since I was a kid. I only realised the dream recently during a two-day trip to Kuala Selangor with my family.

    At first, we decided to stay at Firefly Park Resort and take the fireflies tour offered by the resort but we were told that we could only check-in at 2 pm. We were there around 12.30 pm and decided not to wait. We drove around the town looking for another hotel and then I remembered that there’s De Palma Hotel in Kuala Selangor. We followed signboards (there’s one misleading sign a few meters away from the hotel, though, that says turn left instead of going straight and turn right) and checked in the hotel. There were rooms available and so we did not even have to wait until 2.00 pm. I like the environment and the rooms are all in the form of chalets.

    And orange in colour. I love.

    De Palma

    Watercolour on Moleskine watercolour book

    After having a late lunch/early dinner at Pantai Jeram, we headed for a cruise at Kampung Kuantan Fireflies Park. This park is managed by Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor with the sponsorship of Tenaga Nasional. Tenaga Nasional has thus far been a major monetary contributor to preserving the firefly colony in Kampung Kuantan. But that goes beyond monetary value as the effort has also proved to provide a sustainable livelihood to boatmen whose income is derived from tourism activities.

    yassin at the entrance

    Yassin at the entrance

    The park opens from 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm and after we purchased our tickets of RM40 for one boat, we headed to the jetty. The queue was quite long as there were many groups of tourists.


    long queue

    We finally boarded a wooden dinghy boat operated by a friendly boatman. The usage of small boats will also avoid sound and smoke pollution that can disrupt the firefly’s habitat. The boatman explained to us that most of the species found here are the Pteroptyx tener type. He told us the difference between kunang-kunang (Photuris) and kelip-kelip (Pteroptyx). According to him, there are hundreds of kelip-kelip in a group to compare with kunang-kunang which only has about 5 or a little more in a group. Furthermore, kelip-kelip emits rhythmic light, unlike kunang-kunang which emits spontaneous light.

    When he paddled, we saw kelip-kelip lit up Berembang trees along the river!! The view was magnificent and if I were a litle dragonfly lost in this area, I would find my way home.


    Very hard to take pictures in the dark. These are the best we could.

    The boatman also told us that the best time to see fireflies is when there isn’t any moon. The darkness will let us see them. He then took us near the trees and let us see kelip-kelip up close and personal. We had some on our palms and then let them fly back to their group. Catching kelip-kelip is prohibited and would cost you RM1000 fine.