Emila’s change of services

Since the incident yesterday, I decided not to take blog templates service anymore. I now only take blog header and ems’ doll. For blog templates service you can hire my two good friends: LadyJava and Whiteymommy.

LadyJava has been in the field of designing (also tweaking) blog templates for few years already and you can see samples of works done by her at LadyJava Creation. Her work is elegant and classy.

ladyjava creations

As for Whiteymommy (or Sha), she has been in the field for less than a year but her blog template designs are cute and pretty.


I highly recommend them. Please visit LadyJava and Whiteymommy to see their portfolios.

I treat the incident yesterday as a blessing in disguise. Now it’s time for me to just concentrate on my niche portfolio: illustrations. Do e-mail me if you need an illustrated header or cute em’s doll. ;D