
No sorry?

I came across a blog that uses my em’s doll, and left the owner a message in her chatbox that she didn’t get my consent nor pay me to use the em’s doll. I asked her to e-mail me for more details but she never got back to me. She just removed the em’s doll and my comments.

Hmm…where have all the courtesy gone? At least a little apology will do. Ah well, sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It’s funny how she had my em’s doll ‘copyrighted’


  • GilbertJuan

    sometimes i wonder why can’t some people say sorry even though they know they made a mistake.. sometimes they do what they do to you and expect everything will be just fine.. come on.. for god sake please change people.

  • cekkeya azyan

    setuju dgn kak emila. itu common sense la kan, bila dah buat salah, say sorry first, ini tidak, tup tup je delete apa semua kan? tapi, mmg kelakar bila dia claim copyright tuh. 😉

  • Whitey Mommy

    huhu sepatutnya dia minta maaf… kalau tak terangan… in personally pun kita dah sejuk… tapi… masa nak ambil…tak kan tak aware tentang copyright…

    huhu… pelik kalau guna copyright ni…sedangkan… barang orang lain diambil…

  • azyze

    namz, kengkadang kes macam ni la yang kita kena sekolahkan. kalau tidak, dia buat lagi.

    seorang plagiat, kalau dah selalu buat kerja tu, susah nak berhenti. mungkin dia tak plagiat kerja kak emil tapi kerja orang lain?

    even kalau dia dah tak buat pun, at least pemplagiat/kopipasta lain akan pikir 2-3 kali nak merampok pasal dah tau kak emil ni serious about curi2 ni. tak la ingat “alah takpe, kalau dia tau aku remove la. abes cite.”

    dari kecik mak bapak kita dah ajar untuk minta maaf bila buat salah, kot. susah sangat ke nak be humble and say that she’s sorry?

  • Sabahan Bloggers Club

    Ramai newbies yang tak tahu pasal artwork sis emila ni…. 😉
    Kalau yang tahu pun, dorang ingat artwork tu benda free boleh guna macam tu jer. Nanti saya cuba uar-uarkan untuk kawan2 SBC….

  • ayujamal

    mana boleh tak tahu, dah sebesar2nya kak emi dh letak kat situ, jangan amik sebarangan. apa2 pown kalau bukan hak kita memang xboleh nak suka2 pakai..tu namanya mencuri

  • Oldstock

    Emila’s works have become famous over Malaysian blogosphere… you are going places, my friend!

    Of course, saya tidak lah menyokong copy-mengcopy tanpa kebenaran ni… meh bagi tau nama blog tu… boleh saya lawat dan buat teguran sekali..

  • Namz

    Selagi mereka tak faham, kita sekolahkan dia cara berjemaah pulak nak tak?

    Let’s ramai² bubuh kat blog dia kaw² punya, hehehe I’m always like this..go all out and leave non alive!

    hehe But do rest assure, tak berkat mereka² tu. Padan muka dia!!

  • TheSharkox

    Kak, sorry to seems the hardest word..

    I hope that so called ‘blogger’ will make an apology. Yang pasal guna karekter akak guna untuk buat pamplet cupcake tu apa cerita?

  • shasha

    Emi, rasanya sejak saya blogging ni banyak juga saya ternampak karakter macam ems doll kat a few blogs but im no so sure derang tu just ambik gitu atau memang derang inform emi time kalau jumpa i let u know..

  • nYomeL

    btul kak emi..
    sy pun mcm byk jumpe em’s doll dlm blog2..
    tapi xsure dorang dpt permission akak or not..
    lepas ni akan bgtau akak kalo jumpe lg..

  • emila

    shasha, most of them paid me for their personalised em’s…i am sure theres’ over 50 malaysian bloggers who uses my em’s doll, not to mention more than 50 or 100 bloggers, internationally. will make the list known soon.

  • Fadhli

    Susahnya bila dah ramai sangat copy… Saya pun ada rasa risau jugak… Tapi mungkin kerja saya jauh sangat hasilnya berbanding dengan kak Emila. =)

    Anyway all the best ya!

  • emila

    eeeeee comelnya hasil kerja fadhli!! baru je melawat. kita masing-masing ada stail dan kak emila rasa fadhli boleh pergi jauh. glad you dropped by, fadhli!

  • LadyJava

    oh mangan.. wes mangan urung?
    dah makan belum?

    nak jawab.. wes is for dah.. urung tu blum

    kalau dah kekenyangan.. answer with wes kemakaren.. hehehe

  • Namz

    Hehehe ok lah.

    Ni la nak bagi cadangan aja. Why don’t you create a little place on your side bar here and just display the url of those that has ripped your work. Just a text url, don’t have to make the links live. Name it something like “The Hall Of Shame”.

    Now whatever happens to their blogs is really not your concern. Rest assure that their blogs will be a practice ground 🙂

    Kalau idak penat Emila, if you wanna keep blocking IP’s..penat la makcik. Anyway most of us are on dynamic IP, so no point in blocking IP’s.

    But display their url to the world and chances of their blogs turning into recycled electrons is quite high. That’ll teach em!

    Namz recent post Time To Burn

  • emila

    ooo that’s tough, namz. everybody will hate me for that. nanti depa kata, “oh this old lady tak cukup lagi post kat entries, nak letak kat sidebar pulak?” and driving traffic to their blog? ehehe, no way. they need exactly this kind of exposure to gain traffic…

  • ayujamal

    old lady?? sampai hatinya..kami sume respect kak emy sbb hasil kerja n budi bahasa kak emi tau,

    kami faham kalau kak emi marah kalu orang curik mcm tu jer, memang tak fair la kan..orang lain sume beli..

    ishk ..bakpo la lugutu wak malu ore kelate jah..haipp

  • Namz

    Hehehe if the links are just “text” and not “live” as in a “hyperlink” than it won’t give them any traffic automatically as there is no live links to them.

    But they’ll get GOOD traffic 🙂 if you know what I mean 😉

    Takyah implement sekarang, only in extreme circumstances and when things get totally F-up. There is a contingency plan.

    K.I.V aje dulu!

  • mangosteenskin

    Kak Emila, Mango salute kak emila kerana sangat dedikasi dalam mendidik orang ramai dalm soal copyright ni. It will not benefit kak emila sorang, malah artist/designer/blogger lain pun akan dapat benefit jg jika pengguna lain sudah faham peraturan. I think sebaiknya kena ada kerjasama daripada semua pihak untuk mengetengahkan isu ini. Masyarakat tak dididik pasal hakcipta ni seperti hal alam sekitar. It will surely take time, sama seperti masa mula2 kerajaan nak ajar orangramai tentang isu alam sekitar dulu.

    Kalau kita buat bangunan, ramai orang tak berani masuk dan ambil barang sesuka hati sebab takut dipanggil perompak. Tapi kalau harta intelek ni, orang tak nampak. Bila buat silap, mereka cepat-cepat withdraw, hoping that their mistake won’t get them into trouble. Macam kes langgar larilah.

    few years ago, my hubby design a bracket to support scaffold working platform. We send the design to be fabricated and get the approval from professional engineer before using it. we make ready-made brackets for renting purpose. Not long after that, we saw other companies also make their own bracket. Some designs memang nampak tak mengambilkira soal teknikal/calculations supaya benar2 kuat etc. But i guess they just try to make one that differ from ours. Atleast they do not steal our bracket la.