• comm. work,  digital illos,  MISC

    Puteri Elaiza

    In Chapter three of Hanani dan Semberani Merah Jambu written by Nisah Haron, a Malay princess by the name of Puteri Elaiza came into picture. As per discussion with the writer, the princess wears a pretty face (hehe princess must be pretty), a white kebaya (Malay traditional clothing) and selendang (shawl). As per instruction on the script, it must be a kebaya with kerawang (floral decoration). Yeah, a lot to create but as an illustrator I take pride in what I do and try to do what I can. So this what I created. Took me and hour to create the kerawang, you know. It’s nothing like those from real kebaya, it’s my own interpretation of kerawang.


    puteri elaiza


    Oh, I just realised that the kebaya is too plain, perhaps little flowers will make it more nicer.

    I’ve done total of five illustrations for this chapter. Now on to Chapter four; kitchen scene, 6 illustrations. This should be exciting…