Stylish Blogger Award

    I am truly honoured and thankful to be presented with Stylish Blogger Award by Marzie aka Mariuca. Thank you so much Marzie, you really make my day! Love you more.

    – Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
    – Share 7 things about yourself.
    – Award 15 great bloggers you know.
    – Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

    7 things about myself:
    1. I love to draw.
    2. I love my family.
    3. I love cafe latte.
    4. I love the smell of freshly mown grass.
    5. I love nature.
    6. I love to wear black and grey.
    7. I love the number 7.

    This award goes out to, in no particular order: nYomeL, Whitey Mommy, darkstar, LadyJava, zulkbo, bain, marvic, Mariuca, netster, mardihah, Khemy, mya, and nkara.

    Congrats to all. Here’s the code of the award:

    <a href="https://emilayusof.com"><img src="https://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq205/emilayusof/Stylish.jpg" border="0" alt="Stylish Blogger Award"/>