• comm. work,  watercolor

    Book covers project

    I am given the honor by Gajah Gajah Gallery to illustrate 14 book covers commission for Childcare Professional Kits; a project by JKM and UNICEF. Have so far done sketching all and completed one illustration. Top and bottom areas are left blank for graphic designer to work on the title and module writers’ credit respectively.

    My eyes are not in a good condition, I’m finding it hard to really concentrate on drawing traditionally. I am getting the stars and blurry effect. I am wearing a pair of glass but usually I don’t use it for drawing, only for driving; though it’s bifocal. I tried using it to focus on drawing and painting but it just doesn’t seem right. Maybe the power is not right.

    And funny thing is, I found myself ‘blurring’ my eyes in order to draw. Is this normal?

    [Title: Aesthetic Development Activity | Medium: Watercolor on watercolor paper.]