New theme *

    It’s about time i change layout. I’ve upgraded to WP2.7.1 and having a default theme is troublesome. Once you upgrade, the theme will be back to its oldself. I don’t wanna upload backup files every time, so, that’s it.

    And also, I don’t really like the various sizes of widgets (especially width). I’m settling for 3 columns. I wanna separate all 125px banners to the left sidebar and others will maintain at the right. If you see weird things happen in my blog, that’s me doing my thing. Done!

    Am using Cutline theme and still adjusting the stylesheet. In IE, the container seems already perfect; all white but if Firefox it seems transparent! Am working it out. Done!

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    Bad cough

    I am having a bad cough for a week already and woke up this morning feeling feverish. But that me and doc hollywooddidn’t stopped me from doing the morning chores; help Yassin with his shower, make the bed, make breakfast and clean the house. I still have two more laundry loads to do; done three yesterday. I wish I just could drag the laundry hamper and drop it off at the nearest laundry shop and then finish pending works happily.

    I have been resting yesterday and been watching movies the whole day. One of the movies I watched is Doc Hollywood (1991). Ahaha, I haven’t seen this movie yet and listening to the soundtrack by Nick Kershaw (The One and Only) brought me back to the 90s. Michael J. Fox, Julie Warner, Bridget Fonda and Woody Harrelson was so young!

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