gardening,  yassin

Planting seeds

My husband taught Yassin how to plant seeds this morning.

“First, took out some soil from grandma’s pot…”

“…fill it in your little pot…”

“…make a hole, put in the seeds and cover the hole…”

“…and water the seeds. We have to water the seeds everyday and see how they grow, ok?”

They’re rambutan seeds. Yassin can’t wait for tomorrow to come to water the seeds again.


  • 1na

    Salam Sis Emily,

    To Yassin :
    “Wah.. wah.. wah… bagus la yassin dah belajar gardening. jgn ikut macam aunty yer, banyak tanam lalang hehehehe”

    Been a silent reader before 😉

  • Mariuca

    The first seed I planted was watermelon! So cute to see the fruit coming out and just like Yassin, I pun rajin siram every day! 😀

  • LadyJava

    So syiok see Yassin so engrossed in this hobby… me not green fingers though.. never planted anything in my life except of course that taugeh in school lah..heheh

  • rizal

    syabas.. tanam pokok rambutan.. nanti lebih hijau dunia nii..

    speaking of rambutan, kat IKN pun ada rambutan tapi selalu tak sempat nak merah sebab dalam hijau jerr ada banyak mahkluk2 yang makan..hehe :mrgreen:

  • Dookie

    so sweet la 😛 eh i know that rambutan is best planted using the cantuman pucuk tunas.. from seed is not that good rite.. have ur any rambutan from the seeds already grow big?