Minor Changes

I have made some changes to the sidebar. I’ve moved the blogroll to Blog: Roll, Swap & EC. I use the Better Blogroll widget, so that every link will appear randomly as this page is refreshed. As for the RHD group, I maintained the button but moved the listing to that very same page. Same goes to the blogswapping widgets. I plan to move the TopSpots widget as well. I will put all the links in my permanent blogroll once I take it out. Don’t worry about your link count, it stays.

I also added back the comment box in all pages. I’ve lost it when I switch to new templates. If you’re a WordPress user and would like to add the comment box in your pages, here’s how:

Locate following code in page.php [template file]
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

In between these lines add the following code:
<?php comments_template(); ?>

    You should be able to see the comment box after you overwrite the page.php file. Be sure to back up the original file before making changes.

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