Blog Action Day

    unite!Blog Action Day is uniting bloggers around the world to speak about one issue – the environment, all in one day. Blog Action Day aims to display the potential and the power of the blogging community, which is a disparate community but one with an amazing size, breadth and diversity. The Blog Action Day is slated for October 15, 2007.

    I came to know about Blog Action Day from Zarifi and thanks to her, I’ve joined thousands of bloggers, including her, to speak about environment on October 15.

    If you would like to participate in Blog Action Day, please visit Blog Action Day so you can be listed on the Blog Action Day site. To participate, a blog just needs to write about the issue of the environment on Oct. 15, 2007, or donate its proceeds for the day to one of the chosen environmental organizations such as Greenpeace International, The Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), the Conservation Fund and the Sierra Club.